1 - A warning

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Sasuke smiled as he entered the home. It looked the same way it had before. Naruto had kept his promise.

Hinata gasped as she went inside. This would be her new home. She turned to Sasuke. It would be her new home with him. She still had a hard time wrapping her mind around the fact he went into her head and helped her.

Sasuke felt the walls like he did when he was a little kid. It was home. It was where he wanted to raise his family. He turned to Hinata, lifting her up into the air. She started to laugh. God she was gorgeous. Not only her physical features but her personality. Being in her fantasy realm made him see her beauty that he could never see in reality.

He sat her on her feet again. He looked into her eyes. When he first saw them they freaked him out, now he just loved them. "So where is our bedroom," Hinata asked.

Sasuke almost blushed. She knew what was implying. "Your face is red," she whispered. Now it was red. He took her hand. She is wanting him? In that way?

They reached the bedroom. There was a bed already made with lamps by it. Sasuke looked to Hinata whose face was bright red. She was doing her Hinata blush.

She got in front of Sasuke and put her hand on the bottom of his shirt. He slightly inhaled sharply. Reality was so much different.

She lifted his shirt giving him the hint. He reached down and took his shirt off. He heard her inhale this time. The past two years he had been working out. He had a six pack now.

He lifted her chin and kissed her lips. It was a simple peck. That peck turned into a hungry make out. They were on the bed the next minute. Sasuke had pulled her shirt up and off her. He was kissing down her stomach making her moan.

"Sasuke! Hinata!"

Sasuke groaned. Sasuke left the bedroom and went to the door. He opened it wide to reveal Kiba. Kiba's face turned red once he saw Sasuke shirtless and his pants unzipped. "What in the hell do you want," Sasuke growled.

"Someone has a mission to kill you and your girl."

Sasuke froze. Hinata came up behind him. "Sasuke is everything ok?" He was frozen. Someone was going to hurt him, that he didn't care about, but hurt Hinata? His hands balled into fists. No. No one would hurt her.

Hinata sat next to Sasuke. People wanted them dead? But why? it wasn't like they were going to do anything to cause trouble to the Leaf village. Hinata was one of the head shinobi after all.

"What are we supposed to do," Sasuke asked getting Hinata out of her thoughts.

"I don't know. You two will have to stay low for a while I am guessing," Kiba replied.

"What about my duties as a shinobi," Hinata interrupted. "I can't leave on mission to think I'll come back and Sasuke would be dead or worse, die on the mission by assassination!"

Kiba shrugged. "I don't know of any other way then to say retire Hinata."

Shock crossed Hinata's face. "I will not leave like that. I would only leave if I was pregnant and I am definitely not!"

Kiba sighed. "Then there is always a chance of you coming back and Sasuke being dead." He looked to Sasuke. "Or a chance she wouldn't come back because she was assassinated."

Sasuke held Hinata's hand. He knew she didn't want to stop being a shinobi, and he wouldn't make her. "She will be fine. And there is no way I will die."

Hinata grasped Sasuke's hand. He looked at her and kissed her forehead. "Don't be afraid. They won't harm you"

An hour passed then Kiba left. Just as the door shut Hinata was pinned against the wall by Sasuke. Furiously kissing each other. He grabbed her ass and picked her up, she wrapped her legs around him.

He wanted her. There was no doubt in that. She wanted him, no doubt in that either.

Sasuke went to the bedroom, carrying Hinata and laid her on the bed. "I am going to make you mine in reality," he groaned as she let out a moan.

* * * * * * *


A man with white hair turned around to see his follower. "The answer?"

The follower looked up. Kiba. His most trusted follower. Lucky for him Hinata was close to Kiba, making it all the easier.

"Suspect is not pregnant."

The man nodded. "Keep an eye on her. If she becomes pregnant code black goes into action."

Kiba nodded then left. That girl, he wouldn't allow it. Not with the Uchiha. They will not come back.

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