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Wedding. That was today. That was something important. Something the ninja's that didn't want the Uchiha clan to come back.

Sasuke was already on his toes. He wanted to make sure Hinata stayed safe. Naruto had assured him that she was. She was with Sakura and Ino. They had been friends for the longest of time. At least there was a chance. Yet Sakura couldn't fight, she was eight months pregnant after all. Sasuke's hands were shaking as he buttoned his cuffs. He was nervous. He was marrying the woman he wanted to be with. He was making a family. That family wasn't far off from happening. She had less than two weeks left. That was scary enough.

Gong. Gong.

It was noon. It was the time for him to get to the alter. That was just the beginning. Sasuke exhaled. This was it, this was the big moment. There hadn't been a rehersal which made it even more stressful.

Sasuke walked down the isle after his top five men. Shino, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shoji, Neji and Naruto. He stood ont he left side of the alter. Other smiled at him. He looked at Hinata's father, his face was full of happiness. At least he accepted the wedding.

Hinata's song started playing.

Sasuke looked down the isle to see Hinata in a beautiful dress. It was white, of course. It was a strapless dress and just below her chest it bloomed out hiding her stomach. It reached to her feet which were bare. In her hand she held blue and white roses. She didn't wear a veil but she did have her hair curled. Gorgeous. That was all Sasuke could think. As she got closer to the alter Sasuke reached his arm out to her. She took it with a smile on her face. He wasn't making a mistake. This was absolutely was perfect.

As Sasuke turned he saw Kiba grabbing a kunai. Everything moved slow. It needed to move slow. He had to be quick. Sasuke picked Hinata up in bridal style making her yelp in surprise. He bent his knees and jumped into the air using his chalkra. Hinata looked back to see her father looking at them, disgust written on his face.

 Sasuke could see many others dressed in the ninja outfits. He quickly looked around trying to figure out what to do. "Sasuke!" Sasuke turned to see Naruto land beside him. "Let me take her. I know where she will stay safe." Sasuke nodded and handed his bride to Naruto.

"Keep her safe or I will kill you."

Naruto nodded then darted off. Sasuke turned to see Kiba grinning at him. That bastard.

Sasuke jumped through the trees. He knew he wouldn't be able to take them all, at least not yet. Sasuke headed to his house to get clothes for his bride.

Naruto and he knew that it would happen today they already had a plan to keep Hinata safe. Hinata didn't know about it though, her going along with it would depend.

He walked into the house and quickly got a bag and stuffed her clothing into it, as well as some baby clothes in case.

Sasuke darted to the window just as his door was knocked down. Damn them. Damn them all!

Itachi soon came up beside Sasuke jumping through trees with him. Itachi had been informed after Hinata freaked out that he had a brother.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"What do you mean we have to seperate?!"

Sasuke cringed. This was not going how it needed to go. "No, Hinata, I am sayin-"

"You are saying we should split up for my safety? So we should end your marriage?"

Sasuke groaned. Why was she making this so hard. He blamed the pregnancy hormones. "No, Hinata. For you and our son's safety I want you to stay with Sakura and Naruto. It won't even last two weeks."

She pouted. What had gotten into her? They had officially been married thanks to Naruto so why was she so upset? She sighed then walked over to Sasuke and hugged him. "I'm sorry. I just don't like being so close to delivery and not having you by my side."

Sasuke nodded. He didn't like it either. How could he? She could deliver tomorrow and he wouldn't be there. He wanted to see his son being born. "I know."

The two couples, with Itachi on the side, stayed together until night began to fall. Sasuke kissed Hinata goodbye which made her cry. Pregnancy hormones. Itachi hugged Hinata and promised to keep him safe.

After goodbyes Sasuke and Itachi headed home. Itachi planned to stay with Sasuke for the weeks to come to make sure Sasuke stayed safe, that and they had a plan.

"Just don't touch me," Sasuke groaned as he laid in bed.

Itachi was at the end of the bed. He smirked. He looked exactly like Hinata. "We need to play this off Sasuke. I won't judge your size I swear"

Sasuke laughed."Yeah yeah. Just get in bed so we can get this over with.

"Just so you know," Itachi said while hopping into bed. "Sex is off limits tonight."

Sasuke bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. His brother was being ridiculous. He was a guy, even disguised as Hinata he wouldn't have sex with him. Just gross.

Sasuke wrapped his arm around 'Hinata' and snuggled to 'her'. "I love you," Sasuke whispered out of habit.

"I love you too Sasu-kun."

- - - - - - - - - - -

There was ruffling in the house. That was what woke up Sasuke. What woke up Itachi was Sasuke lightly shaking him. He groaned, completely confused by his voice. Oh yeah, he was Hinata still. How he had kept her appearance was beyond his thoughts. He didn't even want to know how he had not run out of chalkra.

Sasuke sat up. There was definitely someone in the house. Whether they were here as uninvited guests or to kidnap them. Although Sauske hoped they would they would feel the wrath or the Uchiha brothers.

Sasuke kissed Itachi's cheek. It's just for a little longer. Just a little longer. It is just an act. He kept repeating that to himself. It was awkward enough that he had slept with his brother. Then again they had done that when he was younger.

Sasuke got up and grabbed his sword. He always had this thing around now. "Sasuke," Itachi asked in Hinata's sleepy voice. Damn him. He nodded as Itachi's eyes went to him. Sasuke's eyes were already his sharrigans, out of habit. Itachi crept out of the bed. Growing as he tired to move. Sasuke covered his mouth trying not to laugh at Itachi being 'pregnant'.

"They are here," Sasuke heard Kiba say. That traitor. How could he want to do something like this? Then again Hinata's father was probably the one he was listening to.

Sasuke slightly growled. This was going to a long night.

Sasuke slowly stepped out of the room, his katana in hand. Itachi soon followed after him. Sasuke slowly walked through each room. There didn't seem to be anyone but he knew that wasn't the case. "Okat Hina-" A hand covered his mouth. A cloth was in the hand.

Kiba came from the shadows holding 'Hinata' in his hands. It didn't look like Itachi's transformation. Sasuke screaming into the hand that was covering his mouth. That wasn't Itachi. That was his actual wife!

"You thought a simple trick would trick us? Stupid boy."

Sasuke let out another scream before blacking out. They would pay. They would all die.

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