11 - Day 1

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Sasuke was pacing the floor. How could he do this? He couldn't possibly say that he loved her, not when they have barely dated! Then it hit him. Take her on dates. Show her love. Sasuke quickly got into jeans and a t-shirt. This was going to be the first day he had to turn her heart. 

When he arrived at her house he lightly knocked. Her mom answered. She immediately gave a smile and let him walk in. 

Sasuke walked to Hinata's room. She was still asleep. He loved watching her sleep. She had her index finger in her mouth while her legs were crossed and bare. She was wearing the white Uchiha shirt he had given her. She didn't know that he had actually made that himself.

Sasuke lightly shook her. "Babe.." She moaned and flipped onto her side. She wasn't a morning person. He shook her again, this time she actually opened her sleepy eyes. "Sa...suke?" He smirked. Her tired voice was adorable.

"Get up sleepy. I'm taking you out."

Her eyes lit up. She jumped out of bed and took the shirt off. Sasuke inhaled sharply. She was naked. She turned to him and giggled. She bent over at her hips to pick up something.

Sasuke was behind her the next second, his member already out and hard. He grabbed her hips and slammed into her. She let out a moan as she leaned onto the wall.

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Hours passed before they finished. He came to pick her up, not have sex with her till she could barely walk. It was her fault though. He had become addicted to having sex with her.

Sasuke stood outside her door as she got dressed. He knew if he would have stayed in there they would never go on their date.

Hinata came out a minute later in booty shorts and a tank top. Sasuke smiled and kissed her forehead as they walked out the door.

"So where are we going Sasuke-kun," she asked as he opened the door for her.


He closed the door after she got in and got onto the drivers side. The car stayed silent. Sasuke was slightly confused when Hinata kept receiving texts. He got annoyed of it and peaked at it. Naruto. She was texting Naruto!

Sasuke shook his head. No..no. don't focus on that. Focus on a conversation. Then it popped into his head. "Hinata, have you ever be swept off your feet?"

She looked over to him, confused. "Once."

Sasuke raised his eyebrow. "By who?"

She blushed and kept her hands in her lap. She only moved when her phone ringed. Naruto.

Sasuke drove into a parking lot. Screaming could be heard. Sasuke opened his door and walked over to Hinata to open hers. She stepped out, her jaw dropped.

"A carnival?"

Sasuke nodded. She had never been to one since Konoha never held them, only the mist village had them. Sasuke took Hinata's hand, she didn't hold it back. Naruto.

Sasuke first got them food. Food was something they definitely needed.

After food they played the little games. There was a bottle game that Sasuke knew the trick to winning. He got the biggest stuffed animal for Hinata. When he grabbed it to give it to her she wasn't there.

Sasuke panicked. Where was she?

He quickly started walking around trying to find her. When he found her she was talking to Naruto. Sasuke quickly walked over to her and punched Naruto. Hinata gasped covering her mouth. Sasuke could see the smile behind her hands.

"Stay the fuck away from my woman!" With that he grabbed Hinata's arm and took her to the Ferris wheel. They got on it almost immediately. They sat across from each other. Sasuke looked out of the cart while Hinata stared at the bear Sasuke had won.

They continued at the carnival for another hour before Hinata asked to go home. The drive was slow but also too fast. When Sasuke pulled up to Hinata's house the porch lights were on.

Sasuke followed Hinata into the house and to her room. She put the bear on her bed and kissed Sasuke. It was a simple peck.  "Thank you." She was thanking him? "Stay with me till I sleep?" Sasuke nodded as she began to undress and put a different shirt on. She climbed into bed after putting her phone on the charger.

Sasuke hummed her a lullaby, one she said her mom used to sing to her. Within an hour she was asleep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Sasuke looked over at her flashing phone. He went to unlock it, luckily she didn't have a pass code. He immediately went to her messages with Naruto.

Hinata - I cnt wait! I rlly hope you are going to be there!

Naruto - I will be there. Where will you be?

Hinata - idk. Sasuke is taking me somewhere and wont tell me....wait are you behind us?

Naruto - yes I am. U kno im so srry for doin that to u...

Hinata - promise you will never do it again.

Naruto - I promise. I love you hinata.

Hinata - where are we?

Naruto - a carnival.
                Wherr are u?

Hinata- sorry i was eating :) im by the big circle thing!

Naruto - be there in a second :*

Sasuke locked the phone. He bit his lip to hold back the tears that tried to fall. He walked out of her room and the house and went to the car. As soon as he left tears fell. He was being used. She didn't care for him. She'd never come back!

Sasuke arrived home. He went inside and plopped onto his bed. What could he do? He laid there, just waiting for something to come to his mind but nothing came except sleep.

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