My son

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"Wakey wakey sleepy head."

Sasuke groaned. His head hurt. His back hurt. Everything hurt. Then again why wouldn't it? He shut his eyes tighter. He had failed. Hinata was captured. There wasn't anything he could do about it. Not now. They might kill her infront of him.

Someone kicked his back. Sasuke let out a groan. Damn them. Damn them all to hell. It was their fault. All because of them Hinata was probably more hurt than he was.

"I said wake up." Another kick hi him, this time on the back of his head. He inhaled sharply. That hurt a lot. Someone sighed. "He won't wake up!" More kicks came, each aiming for his back.

Sasuke just took every kick that came his way. He deserved them. It was his fault Hinata was going to possibly be killed. He had one job. One thing he had to do, and he failed.


Sasuke's eyes opened in a second as he groaned, turning his body. Slightly bending down he saw Hinata with a smile on her face. Why was she smiling?

"You finally woke up. I'm glad."

Why was she so happy? He looked to the feet standing behind her and narrowed his eyes. It was true. Her own father was behind this. He looked at Sasuke with disgust. "Why are you doing this?"

Hinata's father grinned. "Because the Uchiha clan must not be restored, especially not with my daughter."

Hinata sighed. "Papa, do as you promised." Her father sighed then nodded. Kiba walked over to Sasuke. "Wait." Hinata turned to Sasuke and kissed his cheek. Her hand went to his jean's pocket. When she pulled away she smiled. "Just a farewell kiss."

Sasuke gitted his teeth. What the hell was going on, was she in on it? Did she join their side?

"You will be let go tomorrow," her father said. "I had a doctor look at her, she's two days away from being a mother. You, however, will not be here. Although it would make it better to make you watch the killing of your own child. Hinata insisted that you were not here though." He held his hand out and Hinata took up standing up with some problems.

Wait, why did she have problems standing up? Hinata was graceful when she stood up, even after bending down. That made no sense. Then again she was near her labor, so that could do something with it.

"Kiba will treat you until it is your time to leave," Hinata said quietly. There was no sadness in her voice, no remorse. It was pure happiness. Why was she happy?

Hinata and her father left leaving Kiba with Sasuke. Kiba kicked Sasuke's back making him groan. Damn him! Thanks to Kiba he could barely move! "I'm supposed to play nice with you," Kiba groaned his words. "But I can't stand to see you not in pain. You are a dispicable creature." Another kick came. "I hate you." Another kick. "For being," another. "With my wife!" Another kick.

Kiba grinned as he hoisted Sasuke up onto the wall, making him fully groan in pain. "I'm going to get ur food." Kiba turned and walked toward the door. "Hey Sasuke," he said as he reached for the door. "Don't ever come for my wife again." With that he left the room.

Sasuke lifted his hands and bit the tie that bound his hands. With a few chews it snapped, freeing them. He slightly moved, groaning as he did so. His back popped too many times. Then he heard paper. He looked down to his pocket that Hinata's hand went to. He put his hand into it and pulled out a slip of paper.

I'm safe you numbskull of a brother. You are being set free tomorrow. Go to Hinata. Don't worry about me. Once you are free I will have my fun with these people. Xoxo Itachi

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