⋆𝘘𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴⋆

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I know a girl,

Who spoke gibberish that only she could understand.

Who conversed with ingredients from the recipe in her hand.

I know a girl,

Who swam across several oceans; staying completely dry.

Who can fly beyond the limits set by the sky.

I know a girl,

Who saw beauty in all things and beings.

Whose voice sweetens the air, every time she sings.

I know a girl,

Who danced with raindrops and sunshine.

Who always smiled and never lied.

I know a girl,

Who baked treats about as sweet as herself.

Who never questioned anyone else.

I know a girl,

Whose heart she shared with someone else.

Someone just as beautiful as herself.

I know a girl,

Who knew her love wasn't meant to last.

The safety of her reputation, would make it fall apart.

So she chose herself, over herself,

And she knew he'd stay, for longer than Time could tell.

And happily ever after they would dwell.

The sharpest knife, martyred her other half,

And at the same time, her heart was torn apart.

She became someone, who she thought would never laugh.

His death had made her sadder,

Time had made someone a mad hatter.

And to avenge his friend, someone became a murderer.

To have hope in facing a rather different tomorrow.

She gave her heart away, to be freed from sorrow.

And nothing but wicked mirth, filled up the hollow.

Murderer, martyr, monarch and mad.

The future she feared brought something sad.

And the fate of her kingdom, was now in her hands.

I knew a girl,

Who used to have a use for a heart.

You may now know her, as the Queen of Hearts




This poems owes huge credits and inspiration and even basic existence to Marissa Meyer and her book, 'Heartless'. Thanks to the person who recommended it to me ;)

Alsoo... I'm quite sick (sick enough to not be able to conjure poems :p)... so forgive me if I don't I don't update frequently. If the poem has a grammatical error please notify me XD 

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