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It said, "Morning, oh sweet child!

It's been a rather long time!

Missed me, from last April and May?

I hope you did, because I might be a pain."

So I told myself, that I'll be fine.

I've been over this time after time.

It'll probably be there for a couple of days,

So stay strong, courage won't fail.

"Oh, did you think I'd be gone?

Not so fast, I'm a bit headstrong,

You've been bad, and oh so mean!

I'll deliver the punishment you need."

And, the ache, it never did leave,

Muffling my mind, not letting me breathe.

Clawing at my stomach, making me sick,

But I won't give in, the heat will harden my walls and bricks.

"Honey, it's been two months, why do you fight?

Just let me consume you, from the inside.

There's no point in you anymore, there's no more good.

But come to me, you will be understood."

Block the thoughts, block the voices.

Hide the pain, solve your crisis.

Stand on your own, don't pull someone onto your side.

They'll fall with you, just like the last time.

"6 months? Wow you're pretty tough,

As a straight-A student, I'm sure you're having it rough.

Failing over and over again, what is this,

Just give in to me, succumb to that sinful wish"

Hang in there, people live through worse,

So don't pretend as if you've been cursed.

Yell, scream over the voices so loud,

They'll regret they ever wanted to hear your sound.

"A year now, you're no more a child.

No longer careful, just really wild,

Why can't you move on yet? Are you so weak?

You have no more talents, so just come to me."

My head's pounding like a beating drum.

I can't eat, I'm not worth this; I'm done.

Just let me live, even if I'm not alive,

They already hate me, there's no way things will be fine.

"Okay look, since you're not gonna pay heed,

I'll carry out the punishment you need.

And to the very fullest it shall be,

So repent for all your sinful deeds."

I can't hear my thoughts, this echoing ache.

My body's been dying from all this pain.

I've got no worth, what's the point anyway?

Since I'm a bad girl, might as well live up to my name.

And then I grabbed it by it's neck.

It needs to know, that I'm different when I'm wrecked.

While most wail or look for a comforting arm,

My sanity snaps, beware of any harm.

"Oh my, how you've grown!

My little angel's a devil, you gave in to me though a bit slow...

Maybe I'll die, and with it, the throbbing ache inside

But you've exchanged me for something vile."

And that's when I let go,

The pain flooded back althemore.

And as it aches, I slowly die.

And as it aches, I slowly cry.

"...you're stronger than you think

My weight is slowly making you sink

Maybe I should leave, you've suffered enough already

And from your fall, you've been freed."

"Don't leave..." I whisper, the softest sound

"Although you've made me fall to the hard ground.

You're a part of me, the reason I can't die

And I no longer want to feel the slightest bit alive"

My life's been shattered.

My body, mind and heart, have been tattered.

But I deserve this, I've been pretty bad you know?

And there's no other road left for me to go...




.....a psychologist ain't enough right?? Soooo..... anyone know where I can find Jesus??


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