⋆𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘯-𝘉𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘴⋆

116 29 23

Within a white lie and a dark truth.

Between gentle eyes and a painful look.

Separating the blue sea and the white sand.

The space between the sky and the land.

When a moment becomes a memory,

And sweet friends become bitter enemies.

When wounds fade to scars.

And when someone near and dear, is suddenly very far.

Neither a human nor a monster.

Not from past or a part of the future.

Not-so lovable but not exactly hated.

Something beyond destiny and what's fated.

There's a fine line between everything in this world.

The blackest coal and the shiniest pearl.

The chill of winter and the warmth of spring.

The attitude of a pauper and a king.

But somewhere along that line,

Dwell people whose thoughts are like mine.

Neither here nor there-

We're the in-betweens who don't belong anywhere.

The fence offers more comfort than

The grass on either side of the land.

I guess being a little of both,

Isn't exactly wrong?

Is it okay not to be here?

Or for that matter even there?

I belong in the in-betweens.

I'll just be here, scores of people with me.

I guess I'll be looked down on,

Whatever I do will always be wrong.

But somewhere in between a wrong and a right.

Are several people, who think alike.




I might be having a couple of questions for y'all, I'd appreciate it if you answered :)

1. Is the quality of my poems  degrading? I'm not sure why, but I feel you guys like my earlier poems better than my newer ones?? If so, please let me know and I'll find a way to improve! :)

2. Is the content enjoyable? Again, I need your opinion on this >.< Please let me know!!

And lastly... perhaps will y'all share the story with anyone you know who likes poetry?? More reviews the better the poems right? XD. Vote if you liked the poem!! And comment <3.


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