•Thank you all ^^•

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Um hey.... This is a lot less senti-er than I thought it would be so... yeah. If you're reading this... you've come to the end of 'The Falling Stars' *bad dum tsssss*. I, LonelyComets... have finally FULLY completed one thing in my life. Tbh, this was more like an experiment of a wannabe poet. An experiment- with some greater, selfish cause(s).

1. I wanted to give my life some meaning. Eh... I've been pretty useless lately so I thought I'd give myself a duty 😊

2. I wanted to show people... that I could do something if I tried. In this case, I wanted to show them that yEs... I cAn cOnTiNuE tO dO tHiNgS tO tHe VeRy EnD. Even tho the poem quality is definitely at like only 30%.... I wanted to do 40-50 poems AND BAAMM here we are. SO SCUSE ME AND SHUT YOUR HOLES AND LOOK AT DIS BOOK AS EXISTING PROOF OF SOMETHING THAT I FINISHED IN MY LIFE.

3. My mumma's bday gift ^^

And the amount of trouble I'm going through to keep this a secret oof oof. Well, also.... Here's the reason why I finished the book. I mean, I've obviously run out of ideas (if you haven't noticed by the past 15 poems or so)... but apart from that... my life is literally spiraling into utter chaos, confusion and mayhem. Like legit I can hear an emergency siren ringing in my ear 24/7. Hehehe. So ... to fix it... I am going to not use wattpad as often?? Hopefully, I will be of some use in this world sometime soon ^^

And darling, this journey has been fun( and stressful.... And I also felt SOOOOOO conscious almost all the time... but it was 100000% worth it).

But I made it, we made it and now we're all so different and yet the same 😉

Thanks for being here, to read all my falling thoughts, to dry all my falling tears, and to catch all my falling stars 😊

But now, all my stars have fallen... and so have I. All I can do is hope that one day, I rise ^^


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