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Hey there, I hope you're doing fine.

I don't know if I'm really late, or just on time.

I know, that things aren't going along the line.

But I'm here with what I've wanted to tell you for a while.

It's a bit weird on my part,

To attach to you who I've known for a couple months.

It's a bit weird, you've got a piece of my heart.

Filled with the times we spent in the name of fun.

It's an empty feeling left inside,

And in the walls of the place we met.

Since the day you've left my side,

I truly realized how much you meant.

I knew it wouldn't be long before,

The winds of change blew by.

But how was I to know?

That it wasn't long before I had to say goodbye.

Nothing's permanent, but don't you think?

That you've gone away too soon?

Without a hint, gone in a blink

A quick goodbye in the dying noon.

Little secrets we shared,

Jokes that only we'd understand.

And who would've even dared,

To do the things that we had planned.

It's ridiculous really,

I feel like I've known you for years!

So when I had to send you away,

I couldn't but do so in tears.

I find it odd to miss you,

You, who I've spoken to the most.

But I guess, more than missing you as I do,

I miss the possible future, the one that kept us close.

But, I'll wish you find better,

Resurface from beneath the tides that held you down.

The fire in you should only get brighter,

And your smile should never become a frown.

And if things aren't great, remember me,

And the loads of people left here.

Remember our memories, that were childish and sweet.

And remember that we'll always be right here.

Remember, that we could've been inseparable,

Given, of course, we had enough time.

But now that we're where we are, let's not crumble.

And let's bear each other as memories in our minds.

It's cruel isn't it?

The sudden changes in our paths?

And though it breaks us bit by bit,

It'll mend us back... it'll mend us back.

And as I write this,

I cannot help but sigh.

We were so close, I find it hard to miss,

That the word that keeps us apart now is,






Time's cruel... right?


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