1- The Fundraiser

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As if I weren't already aware of the danger present, each of the minds buzzing anxiously around me made it painfully obvious. They materialized in the void of my mind as light in the vague shape of their body. Each presence had its own unique 'taste', for lack of a better word.

Beside me stood my lifelong best friend, Jack. Physically, he stood about six feet. His shoulders were broad and his body hard from working his whole life on his parent's ranch. He wore his suit like a wild mustang wore its first bit. He hated it and it showed in his stance and the hard set of his face. In my mind, his soul presented as the same grassy green of his eyes. Most souls matched their host's eyes. Jack's was soft and emitted his kindness like the musk of his body spray.

When I watched the people before me with my eyes open, their souls faded to more of a feeling. My father called it superhuman instincts. During my training as a teen, he told me countless times to trust them and they would never fail me. I never told him what my instincts said about him.

"So far, so good," Jack said, leaning closer to me as if he could keep our conversation from the many Vampires in the room. He wasn't alone in his hatred for our demonic companions. Their thirst for every human and witch in the room constricted my aura like razor wire.

I gave him a nervous smile, showing him I shared his anxiety. "Don't jinx it," I said, but I knew no amount of superstitious nonsense would help or hinder the work we were doing here. Most, if not all of the vampires present couldn't give a flying fart in space about the peace treaty between their council and our coven. Sure, they would show up and act nice when it was expected of them. But no amount of small talk or charming smirks would erase the darkness in their souls.

My eyes drifted to the most charming of them all. I knew exactly where to look to find Mr.Alexander Douglas. He brought a bubbling glass of champagne to his angled lips as his silver eyes moved slowly from face to face, searching for any sign of trouble. His soul shone as a molten silver, just like his striking eyes, except for the subtle swirling blue in his aura. The edge to it gave away that he wasn't human.

He served as one of the council's public relations men and specialized in dealing with our coven. Which meant he specialized in dealing with me since I served as the point of contact for treaty related vampire business.

His intense gaze met mine and for a long second, we shared an understanding that this was all a very bad idea. I hoped I could trust him to help me keep this all civil. His wink suggested maybe I was giving him more credit than he deserved.

A breathtaking woman stepped between Mr.Douglas and I. "Cynthia Watercrest." She said as if I should recognize it, extending her perfectly manicured hand. The dull green of her eyes matched the feeling dripping from her equally dull soul.

Plastering on my best smile, I accepted her offered hand. "Melody Harper, I'm glad you could make it."

She looked around, apparently accepting my fake ass greeting. "I'm very impressed. Pulling off an event like this isn't an easy feat for someone so new to the scene."

Pretentious venom hid behind her perfectly done makeup. She knew who I was and where I came from, but that's all she knew about me. She was one of the few humans who knew about the magical, but I didn't remember why from the meeting I'd had with my father and Mr.Douglas. Every person we'd invited was seemingly important for this reason or that. Some were actually useful and somewhere just rich. I had the feeling Ms. Watercrest was just rich.

"Yes, well half of the guests prefer something a little fresher then caviar." I purposely let my eyes drift down to her toned neck, lingering just long enough for her to wonder if I was among the vampire population in the room. I did this despite knowing full well she would know I was a witch. I let out a distracted sounding sigh and then smiled up at her horrified face. I didn't feel an ounce of guilt as she hurried away from me, moving to reveal Mr.Douglas's amused grin.

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