47- Destruction

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Melody wished Wendy would stop talking about food. She'd never felt hunger like this in her life. Was it because he'd hardly eaten anything in so long? Or because of the other thing she refused to think about?

Either way it didn't matter. The outcome would be the same. She just had to stay strong and refuse the food she and Benny tried to shove own her throat.

She was laying on her back, staring up at the ceiling while Benny talked and talked about his stupid book. Why did he have to torture her like this? Why couldn't he just let her forget?

She felt a flicker of something odd. It was an energy that hadn't been there before. Her eyes went wide.

No. No. No.

It was a little flickering powder blue aura low in her belly.

She instantly felt sick.

No. No. No.

This wasn't happening. This wasn't real.

She squeezed her eyes closed and tried to tell herself this wasn't real. She was too scared to face it. It couldn't be real. She wouldn't be able to handle it if it was.

After a few minutes the light faded and didn't come back, much to her relief. With it gone, she could live in her delusion that it wasn't real. That somehow the vampires and every other sign had been wrong.

She wasn't getting her period because she wasn't eating.

She was sick because she wasn't eating.

The vampires were wrong because they were vampires.

Maybe Wendy just didn't want them to know it was her.

Melody wasn't showing right? So it must not be her.


Days went by and she found she couldn't quite get it out of her head like she had before. She just kept coming back to the sight of that pastel blue aura inside her. Where had it gone? Why hadn't it come back?

Soon it was all she could think about.

Soon it was real.

The door slamming snapped her back to the outside world and she propped herself up on weak arms to see what it was.

None other than that asshole from the fundraiser stormed in. It didn't shock her at all that he was behind this. She should have realized that sooner. Maybe she would have if she'd been able to think.

Benny and Wendy both jumped to their feet, and thus didn't notice Melody's shown interest.

"DID I NOT MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!?!" Gregory boomed.

Every human in the basement cowered away except Wendy, who still flinched hard.

He grabbed Benny by the throat and yanked him an inch away from his snarl. "Did I not say you were to keep her safe?"

"Y-yes." Benny choked out, fear flooding through his veins. He'd foolishly thought he'd gotten off the hook.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" Gregory snarled.

"I...I..." Pressure was building in his head. He wouldn't die from lack of air, but it still hurt. Especially because he was nearly crushing poor Benny's throat.

Gregory leaned to the side and eyed Melody over Benny's shoulder. He saw how sickly and bone thin she was. Rage boiled in him.

His eyes cut back to Benny. "When was the last time she ate?"

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