18- Kiss Me

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**Alex's POV**

"W-where are you taking her?" Aiden gasped.

I didn't answer him and he didn't follow me. She stirred again as I shifted to open the passenger door to my car. A small sound didn't make it past her throat.

Looking down at her reminded me of the pain she brought about in my chest. I did not like seeing her in such a state. She was meant to stand tall and proud, not hang limply at the mercy of those around her.

I set her down carefully and moved to pull away but her small hands were fisted in what remained of my shirt. Her brows furrowed weakly and she made a rather cute sound that told me she didn't like me pulling away.

"I need to get you home." I told her, wrapping my hands around hers. Her delicate fingers that could bring me to my knees if I pissed her off enough.

Her expression grew frustrated and she managed a slight shake of her head. "...it's..." Her voice was barely a breath. It sounded as fragile as she looked. "I...I need..." Her head rolled to the side and her hands fell limp in mine.

"Melody-" My hand was suddenly on the back of her head, carefully lifting her head to face me. "What do you need? Melody? Angel?"

She didn't so much as twitch. What the hell was she going to say? I had to wake her up again, but how? I shook her lightly but she didn't budge. I could hurt her to wake her up but that wasn't going to fucking happen.

My heart beat harder. She clearly needed something I wasn't aware of. Something more than taking her home to rest. My eyes scanned over her body. Was something more wrong with her that I'd missed? There was the bite on her wrist and the shot through her shoulder. I didn't see anything else and there didn't seem to be blood from any other place on her clothes. Shit, how could I protect her if I couldn't figure out what was wrong? I needed her to wake up. I needed her.

"...kiss me..." She whispered.

My eyes snapped up to hers. They were still closed lightly. "What?" I asked even though I heard her quiet voice perfectly.

Her weak eyebrows showed her annoyance at my hesitation. "...serious..."

At her mumbled word, I understood. She was serious, just like I had been when I told her I needed her to touch me. Except kissing her had a much different effect on my mind than her hand on my chest. I'd already lost myself in her over and over today. I really shouldn't be pushing it.

She struggled to shift herself, but managed to hardly move. "It's not...It doesn't have to...mean anything. It..." Her body sagged for half a second before she jerked awake again as if the sudden loss of support woke her.

"It what?" I pushed.

"...you-it heals...my soul..."

Her soul? That seemed like an awfully odd thing for her to say. Did she mean her magic? I realized that must be her problem and it made sense. She hadn't lost enough blood to cause this, but she had fought my every ounce of strength to keep me from ripping her brother to shreds.

I slid my arms under her and cradled her against me as I slid myself into the seat under her. The last thing I needed was to lose myself and have her idiotic brother come running and get himself killed. I shut and locked the doors.

Her face pressed a little harder into my chest as she fought to stay awake. I could feel it off her with her body pressed so fully against mine. I ignored the throb in my lap at the feel of her on me. Now was not the time.

I carefully took her face in my hands since she clearly couldn't keep her own head up. A light blush rose to her cheeks. It didn't mean anything, my ass. If it were anyone else, I'd think they were playing me. But not her. She might actually be as against this whole thing as I was. Hopefully for different reasons.

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