2- The Elevator

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"No." His voice came out tight, but not because of my magic.

"No," I repeat. "I did not think so." I reached under the low cut neckline of my dress and pulled out the knife hanging on my bra strap. It's a special weapon designed by the hunters to allow blood to flow around the blade. I added my own binding spell, making it impossible to remove by anyone except me.

I was tempted to plunge it into him myself and let the room watch him bleed out, but that would be selfish. It would feel so good, but would only serve to sate my own needs. I decided he needed to be made an example of. I didn't want to just win this battle. I wanted to win every battle after this too.

The tension in the room peaked the second they realized what I had in my hand. I flipped the knife open and stepped in front of the vampire. His sharp gaze bore into mine while he thought over every possible way he was going to kill me. It brought a smug grin to my face.

Jack's worried mind hit me like soft ocean waves against my bare feet. I ignored him, knowing he wasn't strong enough to do something like this.

I forced the man to raise a shaking hand and take the knife from me. My mind was tangled in his and I could see it in his eyes that he felt it too. ...drain you and fuck you until you beg me to end your pathetic little life you white-haired cunt... His thoughts bit into my soul how I imagine his fangs would bite into my flesh, but I'd never let him get the chance. I'd never let any of them get the chance ever again.

I clung to my rage like a buoy in the middle of the ocean. It helped to hold me above the angry jaws of my memories. On my unspoken command, he buried the knife deep into his own chest. Gasps and growls sounded all around me as my victim's neck reddened from the strain of his struggle.

"The humans of this city are protected by the Harper coven!" I snapped, staring into the eyes of vampires around the room almost daring them to challenge me. "They are protected by me! And I will not tolerate the breaking of laws put in place to protect all of us." I looked back at the bleeding man. "That includes the vampires. 'Unless in self-defense, or defense of another, using physical force to harm or feed on an unwilling citizen within state limits is forbidden'." If they were present when the treaty was read, they should recognize the direct quote. And it had been required to attend at least one of the many readings.

Despite being the source of the problem, the vampire's safety had also been considered in the many meetings it took to agree upon our new laws. I may not have personally agreed to protect them but, if I tried really hard, I could see how it may have been necessary to secure an unstable peace between the coven and council.

Dark, life-giving blood poured out of him. It stained his white button down as it made its way to the floor. There it swirled with the glass and wasted champagne.

Lowering my voice to a more sophisticated level, I said, "This is not only for us. If you want to live out your unnaturally long lives among us, then you will cooperate like civilized creatures. Am I understood?"

"Yes." He looked like he could rip my throat out with just his eyes if it were physically possible. I didn't doubt his intentions for a second. It would be smart of me to end him where he knelt, but I wasn't like him. My soul wasn't soaked in the blood of my enemies, and I didn't plan on tainting myself as he had.

I yanked the knife out of his chest and recalled my energy from his body. He sagged tiredly in the pool of his own blood. "Good," I said, stepping past him. On my way back to the balcony and without breaking my stride, I took a glass from a trembling human waiter's tray.

The light inside me faded down to the size of a candle's fire, leaving me exhausted and vulnerable. I gripped the railing with a shaking hand, letting out my breath as quietly as I could. I put everything I had left into keeping my shoulders straight. My trembling fingers wiped the blood dripping from my nose. My fleeting thought thanked mother nature for blowing the breeze away from the open door behind me.

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