13- Drunk

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Apparently his 'one chance' included heading into town and buying him basic supplies. Stacy hadn't left him a damn thing and she'd trashed his bike. He'd had to hitchhike all the way from Oklahoma.

"She's fucking nuts." He said as he riffled through a rack of shirts.

I scrolled through my phone, happy for the quicker internet in the city. "I told you that, what? Like six years ago?" That was back when he lived on 4th street after Dad kicked him out. It was also the prime of his tweaker days.

He looked up at me with a grin. "Yeah but the crazy ones are always the best in-"

"Shut up!" I threw a pair of jeans over the rack at him to cut him off. The last thing I wanted to hear about was how crazy she was in bed with my brother. "And re-fold that."

He pulled it off his shoulder with a rough laugh. His voice wasn't always so harsh. He'd either been doing a lot of screaming or a lot of coke. Probably both, knowing him.

I focused down on the men's shirts and tried not to think about the last time I saw him half dead in the woods due to his own stupid coping mechanisms. That had been a very close call, and not one I wanted to repeat.

"So tell me about this fanger." He said causally.

I shot him a glare, but he turned and went to another rack. "Pretty sure that's like super derogatory." I muttered. 

His mentioning the asshole had me unwillingly focusing on the nearness of him. I could feel him there, somewhere in the city going about his business like I didn't exist.

"Okay," He slid shirts one by one. "Tell me about this Douglas. What's he like?"

I stepped around the rack and moved closer to him. "You met him once. I don't know if you remember."

"What's he look like?"

"Tall, black wavy hair, zero color to his skin whatsoever. Seriously, he's so pale-"

"Don't forget incredibly handsome." A Spanish voice said behind us.

I spun around, sparks already shooting up my arms as I prepared to fight.

The first thing I saw was the indifferent face of the dickhead I'd been trying not to think of. I'd felt him closer, but I figured it was just because we were in the city, not because we were in the same store. This was the last place I expected to see someone like him.

A foot behind him, in a very protective stance like he intended to throw Douglas behind him any second, was a very different man. He was the opposite of Douglas in every way. Tan skin, dark eyes, casual t-shirt and jeans. He belonged on the cover of a Latin romance novel. I was pretty sure I could go find a book with him on it right then if I tried.

"What're you doing here?" I asked as my magic faded all on it's own. He was a dick and his buddy was an unknown hazard, but I doubted they were dangerous.

Aiden leaned closer to me. "He is pale. I didn't think turning actually did that." He muttered like the two vampires couldn't hear him.

I snorted at the flat look on Douglas' face. "It doesn't."

Douglas moved his intense gaze from me to my brother, who grew very nervous. He held his hand out to Aiden. "Alexander Douglas."

My brother glanced over at me before he took his hand and shook it. "Aiden Harper."

The dreamboat behind Douglas waved two fingers. "Saul."

"Uh...Melody?" I said. This was super weird.

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