23- Batman

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Azazel took my hand again and pulled me right up against him, dwarfing me in his huge presence. His arms tightened around my back and I was feeling weird about it when he crouched down a little, then sprang into the air like a flung rubber-band.

I screeched, throwing my arms around his thick neck and wrapping my legs around his waist. I hooked my ankles so tight around his back they hurt. Overwhelmed, terrified tears rimmed my eyes as I buried my face in his near-scalding hot chest.

We bobbed slowly in the air with every beat of his huge wingspan. The air chilled me to the bone and if it wasn't for the heat coming off the dragon, I'd probably be seriously hurting. Knowing I was so far off the ground with nothing under my feet and no way to keep myself safe, sent a wave of panic through my mind and body.

Today I learned I was afraid of heights.

The steady beating of his wings and swaying of our bodies in the air faltered and I tightened my hold on him. If I was going down -so was he.

Through his body, I felt his feet thump down on something. Only then did I open my eyes. We were on a roof. A crazy tall, skyscraper level roof.

I was gonna be sick.

"Little girl." He rumbled softly right above my head. "You're choking me."

My hold had already loosened slightly when he landed, but I couldn't get it to loosen anymore. My arms were still convinced I would plummet to my death if they moved, and I was kind of with them on that.

One of his massive arms left my back and he slowly pulled one of my arms off him. "Do not worry. I will not drop you."

My fingers dug into his bicep just because that's the part of him near my hand, and I didn't even get to admire it in my state. He pried my other arm off him and gathered me up bridal-style. Slight annoyance broke through my panic. There was only one man I wanted holding me like that, but then I had to admit I felt more secure that way. It was no longer my spaghetti arms keeping me from splatting on the ground, it was his thick, corded, muscles cradling me in a cocoon of warmth and shielding me from the biting chill in the air. I guess it wasn't so bad.

"I haven't dropped anyone since I was a boy." He added with that slight curve of humor to his growled voice.

I opened my mouth to snap at him, but he launched off the roof and my face pressed so hard against him I might've broke my nose. It was forever before he landed again. Like it might have actually been forever. I couldn't tell. It was dark and I was a shivering ball of anxiety -not because I was cold, I was actually kind of hot, but because the asshat decided to show me some of his tricks.

Let me just tell you, barrel rolls look a lot cooler when done by a stranger in a plane while you watch from the safe ground.

I could feel him standing on solid ground and the curious aura of Aiden told me I was home, but the only movement I could muster was my shivering.

"What the fuck?" Aiden's distant, almost under-his-breath sounding voice asked.

Azazel shifted in what could have been a defensive position. "Who is this man?" He asked in a low hiss.

"M-m-my br-brother." Even the muscles in my jaw shook on their own, without my consent. Yet I wasn't cold. It was a weirdly uncomfortable feeling I'd gotten a taste of after big fights, and never wanted to feel again.

The Dragon relaxed. "Come boy, your sister is shaken up."

I felt Aiden approach tentatively, still rightfully unsure of the winged man holding me. The arms keeping me from death loosened and I instinctively grabbed hold of him.

The White Witch *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now