22- Azazel

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I looked up behind Baba Yaga as Lucifer approached. "I thought he deserved it. Now I feel like a dick."

"Trust me, he deserves it." He said with a glance down at the man still begging in quiet cries against my hands. "I leave you alone for three hours and you bring a man, who has torn cities apart from the inside without lifting a finger, to his knees. Your Douglas has his work cut out for him."

I felt a little less shitty about it now that I saw those memories of terrified families turning on each other and neighbors burning houses down with children still inside -all because of the fear this man begging me for relief brought. I tore my hands out of his and tried to step away but he grabbed a hold of my shirt over my belly.

"No- please..." His fearful words drifted off as his eyelids sagged and he swayed. Then he fell to the floor, out cold.

"He'll be fine." Lucifer said and held out a hand as if to say I should walk with him.

I stepped over the unconscious man -or whatever he was- and fell in step beside Lucifer. "I seriously need to go home." I grumbled.

"Yes, I believe that would be best." He agreed. "You are causing quite the stir among my men. It is not often they meet a woman who holds such power."

"Why because you don't keep any around?" I mumbled in annoyance.

"No dear girl, because there are very few female angels." He led me around a corner that led to a large open foyer. "And female spirits tend not to appreciate the rule of a male. Most other creatures are not near as strong."

"Is that what he is?" I asked, pointing behind us with my thumb even though Baba Yaga wasn't directly behind us anymore.

He gave one short nod. "Yes, any creature that dies one thing and arises another is considered a risen spirit. No- not necessarily vampires since it is an unnatural spell keeping them alive." He added that last bit in response to my thoughts.

"I didn't know that." My lips tugged down in a thoughtful 'hmm' sort of frown.

"That's because I've told very few how I created them." He said as he held open the large, ornate door leading to another huge room. This one was filled with men who all looked up as I stopped in the doorway.

My question died on my lips. Each inhuman aura focused intently on me.

"Gentlemen, this is my daughter Melody. Melody, this is my council -minus one enforcer." Most of the men stood out as inhuman -other than their auras. One had actual gills on his neck, another had blue skin. Even the few who could pass as human had an eerie energy about them that even non-magic people could likely feel. They sensed my fear and I knew it.

"What happened to Baba Yaga?" One man asked. His voice was a deep baritone that came out a little odd around the animalistic fangs in his mouth. They were not the two sharp teeth of a vampire. Every one of his teeth were pointed and deadly.

"He-" Lucifer started.

"He thought it was funny to fuck with me so he's temporarily tied up." I cut in. "Don't worry, he'll be back bringing down the mood before you know it." I didn't look at Lucifer since I conveniently left out the fact I wasn't actually the reason he was out cold, though I probably could have knocked him out the same way if I'd thought of it.

"You?" A rather nasty looking man asked - not nasty because of his appearance, which was just as youthful as the rest, but because of the oozing 'ick' that seeped from his sneer and eyes and voice and every other part of him. His dusty aura radiated his old age and a creepy desire that permeated his very being. He seemed hungry for something other than food and I intended to stay far away from him.

"Yes, me." I answered in a cold tone that could very well have come straight from dear old dad beside me. "I am the spawn of Satan, after all."

The creep looked like he was sucking on something sour but the blue man burst out laughing. "I don't think she likes you Piper."

His dark eyes flashed hungrily and a cold shiver ran down my spine. It wasn't like when Lucifer occasionally radiated unease, this was true evil and it settled in the room like a thick miasma. "Smart girl." He purred.

"Azazel, would you please escort dear Melody to her home?" Lucifer asked politely, catching my attention.

A very tall, very broad yet lean blonde man stood. The leather skirt-armor thing he was wearing revealed a whole lot of his tan skin. Other than his huge body and golden eyes, he looked pretty normal. His aura, on the other hand, was a very powerful gold that radiated a heat no human could ever achieve.

He bowed slightly to me, then offered me his hand. "Ma'am," His deep, rumbling voice hummed in the air.

I took his hand, which he turned over to kiss the back of mine. "Sir." I said in my best attempt of his polite greeting.

He smiled and led me by my hand out of the room.

"And what are you?" I asked as we walked down the hall, my hand still in his. It felt weird, but also kind of like a cultural thing. I didn't want to be rude and he was holding it up as if I needed it for balance or something so it didn't seem to be crossing a line -though Douglas probably wouldn't like it much.

"That depends on which bible you're reading." He answered in a low rumble I thought might hold humor, but I couldn't read his mind. He glanced down at me and a little tug on the corner of his lips confirmed my theory. "I am a Dragon."

I nodded and looked forward. "Oh, okay. If that's all."

The rolling humming sound he made might have been a laugh. "Are you overwhelmed, little one?"

I took in a deep breath that stretched my sore back painfully. I needed to relax -bad. "I'm just tired. It's been a long day."

He nodded his understanding and I thought I was seeing why Lucifer had been a little warmer to him. We were silent until he led me to an even bigger, even fancier door. He opened it without any strain in his huge bicep and motioned for me to step out in front of him.

His heat tightened the skin of my face as I past him, even though I didn't get all that close. He was just super warm -much like Samuel was.

There was a large drive way -or maybe parking lot was a better description- and beyond that was a thick forest.

Azazel let out a quiet breath behind me and I turned. His face shown maybe a slight discomfort before a cracking and stretching sound filled the air.

Then he sprouted gold wings.


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