20- Samuel

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"Melody, darling." The angel said as he approached with his eyes locked on my shoulder. "You can't be wondering around like this with blood like yours-" He noticed the bite on my wrist and his alabaster aura twisted sharply. "Who did this?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's none of your business so just go jump in a bubble and pop outta here."

Aiden grew incredibly uncomfortable at my blatant disrespect of Satan. Maybe I should reign it in for his sake. Or maybe not.

"So it was your Douglas, then." Lucifer said with a cold distaste in his odd accent. He turned to my brother. "Do not worry child. I am not a vampire."

"Come on-" I told Aiden as I turned back toward my seat.

The car rolled quickly forward a couple feet. The second we were out of the way, the doors slammed shut and the click told me they locked. With the keys inside.

I rounded on Lucifer. "You better be able to open that." I snapped.

"I can." He said with a calm nod.

"Okay...?" I asked with a snarky shake of my head. "So, what do you want?"

Annoyance shown in his aura, but only slightly. "I already answered that. I would like to get to know you."

"Well, I'm a little busy being shot and all-"

My hair whipped wildly around me and I hardly had time to realize it was his fault before the floor fell out from under me and I landed hard on my hands and knees. It wasn't on pavement though. It was a spotless white tile. I choked and gasped for any air I could get. My shoulder burned and it gave out. I landed right on it on the cold tiles.

"Argh-" I groaned as I rolled onto my back.

"Sir," A man I didn't know said like a greeting.

"Help her up, Samuel." Lucifer said.

Careful hands took my uninjured arm by my hand and upper arm. I worked with him to get to my feet. If his unyielding, strong body wasn't enough of a hint he wasn't human, the odd heat and humming of his mind was. He wasn't any sort of creature I'd met before.

"Thank you." I muttered as he released me.

"It's my pleasure, Ma'am." He nodded courtly and stepped away to stand very straight with his hands behind his back. "Lucifer?"

We were in a large white room with the biggest table I'd ever seen in the middle. It wasn't a dining room, though it would work as one. It was more like a meeting room with the tall chairs surrounding the table. Long patterned curtains hung around tall windows that shown out over a city. Huge book shelves sat against the walls.

Lucifer reached for a thick binder on the table and flipped through the pages. "Summon a vampire for me please." He said absently.

"Of course." Samuel nodded and vanished into a little twist of flame at his center. The fire swirled quickly in on itself and faded into black smoke that dispersed into the air.

Okay, so that was new. I took a second to just stare, then decided it wasn't worth questioning. I was the spawn of Satan. These things just happened, right? More importantly, and easier to think about, was the huge windows showing a sprawling city.

"Where are we?" I asked as I walked straight for the view. I didn't even pretend to be angry anymore. This was pretty cool if you got over the whole insanity of it.

"One of my apartments." He said distractedly. "It's nothing you need to worry about. I was in a meeting here before I checked in on you and felt your wound."

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