5- Shit

273 14 7

\Third Person Narrative POV/

He shook his head, clearly having imagined it. That wasn't how the spell worked. Liam never stopped talking about it. Alexander would know if that was how it worked.

Another wave rolled through him and physically rocked him. His breaths came quicker and every ounce of his mind focused on the sensations of pleasure moving through him. It wasn't the same feelings he'd get if he were being pleasured and it felt off, like it wasn't coming from his body.

His knees went weak and he had to reach for the wall to support himself. He knew she was the cause of this, but he didn't understand how. They shouldn't be connected like this. Even sealed mates didn't feel each other like this.

He closed his eyes to try and force it away, but it only seemed to magnify the sensations making him hard as a fucking rock. He couldn't tell if it was the actual feeling rolling through him or the fact he knew what she was doing to herself...

His eyes shot open.

...or what someone else was doing to her.

He shoved off the wall and hurried to the only thing he used in the kitchen, the bottles sitting on the counter. He didn't bother with a glass. it took way more than that to get him tipsy anyway. Another wave hit him as he drank from the bottle. It soothed the sharper edge of his thirst, but he knew that wouldn't last long once his body realized it wasn't blood he was drinking.

The next wave tingled down his body for longer. It was only maybe a couple seconds, but he knew what it meant. Then the feeling faded and she was gone from him.

He took another long drink and leaned his hip against the counter. Odds were she was by herself. He'd never smelled another man on her. That didn't mean she didn't have them though. Their meetings were often few and far between.

His jaw tightened as a thought surfaced just to torture him. She may just be trying to forget him as he had with Roxy. If that were the case, she'd been immensely more successful.

That would be good. She should try to sever the connection between them. If she were with another man, that might suggest she'd agree to help him break the spell.

If she were with another man...

That pain tightened in his chest again. In a quick movement, he set the bottle down and ripped open his shirt. There was nothing there; just the small hand shaped scar over his heart. So why did it hurt?

He felt the skin again curiously. Then pressed his hand harder against his chest. The feeling threatened to take his breath, but he closed his eyes and focused on just taking air in and blowing it out.

Vampires do not have recurring pains. It didn't happen. They healed unless starving, which he was confident he was not. He'd been much worse off than this and been fine.

The pain slowly began to fade under the pressure of his hand. He let out a slow breath and opened his eyes again. Could I be dying?

He hadn't taken any recent injuries and even if he had, they would not have been there long. The only difference was her. This had to be some odd side effect of triggering a bond with whatever she was.

All these foreign feelings invading his mind and body because of her. She had no right. It was her damn magic and she should keep it to herself. He wanted no part of it -well, most of him.

He looked down at the bulge in his slacks that hadn't eased in the least, and sighed. This was a part of Liam's bond that Alexander remembered very clearly. Nothing had been sacred while his brother's girl was in range. He couldn't count the times he'd walked in on them if he tried. In the hall, against doors, bent over counters, in his bed. Every flat surface and even any space that allowed him to simply hold her int he air.

The place had reeked of their sex.

Those memories sapped any desire he had, to his relief. He and Melody would not be following in their footsteps. They would not seal the spell and they would not end how they had. He would make sure of it even if it killed him.

As hard as he tried to stop it, his mind kept returning to all the different ways he could have her. No amount of over thinking or distraction would give him more than a few moment's relief.

He found himself in the shower, thinking over what Roxy had said. Without a doubt, he knew he could never take from Melody like that without her consent. Even just thinking it boiled up an anger in him he hadn't expected. It never sat well with him when he saw bites on her milky skin, but this was different. Everything was different.

Warm water dripped down his body as his hand moved to his hardening cock. He couldn't remember the last time it was so reactive. The second he thought of her, it was like a switched flipped and he couldn't stop thinking about her.

It wasn't the first time he'd thought of her while stroking himself, but just like everything else now, it was so much different. He remembered the sight of her ass in fraying jean shorts as she bent over to pick something unimportant up off the ground. He'd seen it and he'd been entirely transfixed. He was sure he'd never forget it as long as he managed to live.

This time though, as he circled his thumb over his tip, an image of her stubborn face drifted to the front of his mind. Her pure white hair was done intricately and fell in curls around her flushed face. Flushed with anger, hatred, fight...defiance. The fire in her eyes as she forced one of the most powerful vampires in Michigan to stab himself in the heart, had lit something inside Alexander ablaze. Her power.

In that perfectly fitting, shimmery dress, she'd oozed magic so strong it left him breathless. He'd grown used to controlling himself around her always enticing scent, but that night was so different.

He propped his forearm against the cold tile and pressed his face against the inside of his elbow, stroking from base to tip again and again.

She'd been so commanding, so in absolute control of the room. She had every vampire caught up in her mouthwatering beauty and power. And she hadn't even bat an eye. Any number of them would spend millions for a taste of the blood that pulsed that power through her veins.

But there, in that tiny elevator surrounded by her intoxicating scent, she'd given him a taste for free. It took everything in him not to take her right up against that wall and damn the humans who saw it. He'd never been so enslaved by his blood-lust before. At least not since he was freshly turned. Maybe not even then.

It was the taste of her. The sight of those bloody, parted lips letting hot trembling breaths out as he leaned down, fighting the urge to kiss her with everything he had. The scent of her arousal that somehow managed to be so much more mind-numbing than her magic.

It was so much building up that forced his hand faster.

Knowing ocean deep eyes. Milky yet flushed skin. Full, kissable lips. Her taste. Her scent. Her voice. That gaze seeing straight into his soul.

A strained groan left him. "Mmmm....fuuck-". He pulsed in his hand, coating the tile only for it to be washed away in the same second. His entire body was coiled tight as he came, riding it out as long as the thought of her would allow.

Alexander stood there for a long time, just gazing out past the tile into nothing. What would she think if she could see into his mind now? If she could see how entirely fucked he was? All because of a stupid second in a fucking elevator.

Again the breathless look on her face as she watched him struggle with his urges flashed across his zoned out sight. His cock twitched hard.



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