Chapter 1 - It All Started At The Begining

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"Take your past and take your present and craft it, create who you're going to be in the future"  -Professor Time——–——–——–——–——–——–——–—

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"Take your past and take your present and craft it, create who you're going to be in the future"  -Professor Time

"So tell us Professor, how did it all happen?" Hermione asked.
As a farewell to morning , the heat swayed their skin, leaving a beautiful scent of freshly mown grass and the smell of pastries making the air taste wonderfully sweet. Enchantments were placed on the bottles of (iced) butter beer to keep them bitterly cold and foamy. Time took out a small box from the large pocket on her shirt that was tucked neatly into a pair of cropped trousers, her feet criss-crossed on the chair. Her blonde hair shorter from when they all last saw her, little past a bob with waves and a light fluff to it. She struck the match from the side of the box smoothly and lit her tobacco. Taking a long drag of her pipe, looking at nothing in particular someone spoke.

"Will you tell us?" Ron asked gently. She placed the box back into her pocket and moved her head towards Ron in line with his face. She then looked at all their faces, blue eyes radiant by the sun.
"Yes" She stated. Hearts lifting in a instant because of the small, meaningful word. "Someone needs to know, might as well be you lot" She laughed tucking her shirt tighter into her trousers.
"So where did it all start?" Harry blurts. She lifted her pipe from her pouted mouth and rest it on her lip as gazed skyward.
"I suppose it all started at the beginning...."

"You'll be fine, I'm just going to be in a the teachers cabin that's all"
"But Minerva-"
"I'm sorry Horatia it's just they way things are, now come on" She tugged her sisters hand and they walked through the pillar swiftly and appeared on the very busy platform. "Now remember to be nice and make sure to make a friend or two, also be careful I don't want you to be mixed with the wrong sort"
"You mean Slytherin" Horatia said pausing in their walk to the train. Minerva sighed and looked at Horatia; shaking her head.
"No, but some children will use you because I'm one of their teachers, hoping for good scores and such, if they mention me to you and ask for help, do not befriend them" Minerva said finale. Horatia nodded pulling her coat a little tighter to her body.

The platform was filled with families and children, all waving goodbye and shouting out through windows on the train for last minute hugs. Horatia leaned a little closer to Minerva's arm, her sister being her only family left. The train gave a wonderful whistle and steam plumed like clouds in the September sky above.
"Last call!" The conductor said loudly.
"Come along now, come along" Minerva hurried, not wanting to be late to the teachers cabin. During such the chaotic rush Horatia bumped into a boy whom appeared to be a year older than her, he was practically a foot taller. His grey eyes glared at her.
"Terribly sorry" She said looking back but the glare disappeared in his eyes, it changed into something else now he'd saw the face that bumped into him.
"Minerva my trunk" She said. The older McGonagal opened her pocket and placed the tiny trunk in the palm of her sisters hand.
"Now you remember the spell I taught you?"
"Yes ma'am" Horatia nodded.
"Alright, this is were we part" they both climbed on the train. "I'll see you at school, remember your robes"
"Don't you think it's weird we left Scotland to go to Scotland from London-"
"Horatia" Minerva tuts.
"Sorry, just a thought" Horatia shrugged. Her sister gave a sigh and placed a hand on the little girls face.
"See you in a bit" Horatia nodded to her and she watched as her sister walked away down the corridors of the train. She sighed and her head fell but to cheer her up Biscuit her ferret, popped out of her pocket.
"Biscuit, the pop goes the weasel pun is so old" She said scratching his head. He was white with a brown splotches around his body and long whiskers that were terribly ticklish when he snuggled.

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