Chapter 25 - The Test

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"Life is short as they say, but time seems to pass quicker and duller when something you dread waits at the end of the tunnel. Then you realise that everything you've put in the way as been taken and everything you've tried to stop has been put back into place. Life is inevitable, as is 'goodbye' and this, this was the hardest goodbye. I graduated from Hogwarts. With your parents Harry, of course Remus and Sirius and Peter. Along with a couple dozen more or ready to face the world and create something with it. James and Sirius we're heading into Auror training and Lily was going to a apprenticeship for medicine and potion developing. Remus and Peter hadn't a plan. Remus of course said as such, but we all know he was terrified of the world and wondered if he'll starve because wouldn't hire someone with his condition. I had read as much in his mind. As the same for you, Hogwarts was the foundation of my future and my stepping stone to a life I didn't know how it was going to play out"

Horatia smiled as everyone cheered and clapped to James's speech. A party had commenced on the day before leaving and everyone gave it there all. They raised their glasses when Lily asked.
"To Hogwarts the best school their ever was" She said.
"To Hogwarts!" They all cried and downed their glasses.
"Remus" Horatia said in a quiet tone as the room turned to its original programming.
"Can I speak to you for a moment, privately?" She asked and he nodded , they pushed through the crowd's smiling as they did , trying to not draw attention to themselves. When they reached the corridor. Horatia leaned against the wall and Remus saw her face was pale and her eyes watered.
"What ever is the matter?" He asked with a worried frown.
"The job in the ministry Remus, the one I told you all of" She began taking a sip of her glass. "It's in the ministry and of course it's in the department of mysteries but Remus, I never told what it actually is"
Her bottom lip began to tremble.
He continued to stare at her worried but kind, reaching out and holding her hand.
"Remus, I'm to be - God how do I say this and not sound like a moron-" She sighed. "Have you heard of the myth 'The Time Keeper?"
"Yes" He nodded. "Dumbledore gave me a book about it a few days back"
She faltered for a second. That wizard thought of everything.
"Well it's true Remus, it does exist; the whole lot of it and I'm to be the next one , starting tomorrow night" She stated. Her courage coming back a little.
"H-how did you apply to that job?" He wondered and she couldn't help but laugh.
"I didn't I was chosen. Well more destined. That girl back in 6th year, when she de-aged. That was me;as it where" She explained.
"It makes sense, your never late, your name does mean 'Time Keeper' and your magic is entirely unique" He said nodding. But then paused with a thought that popped in mind. "Then, if you're to be this person, then does that mean when you say goodbye tomorrow morning, then you really mean-"
"Goodbye" She finished for him her heart shattering at the thought.
"Does Sirius know?" He asked her.
"No, he can't, Dumbledore says that a love for someone that is bigger than life itself cannot be apart of Time" She said, a tear rolling down her face.
"Why have you told me?" He asked her.
"Because I need, three confidants , one that knows my secrets, knows everything, that will take everything to the grave. You Remus, you are one of them" She grasped his hands tightly. An added "Without anyone else in the world, I don't think I'd cope without my brother , so please , please consider it"
"I don't need to consider it-" He said. "I'm here with you"
She smiled, a few tears rolling down her face as she then hugged Remus tightly.
"Thank you" She muttered. They let go, facing each other again.
"So what is it that one does to become the Time Keeper?" He said to her.
"There's a test, I need you to come with me, along with Dumbledore, we'll take a room at the inn, in town , then when nights falls we will go to the ministry and see what I'm worth" She explained.
"I know that you are, but still what if you're not-?"
"-I die" She said finishing her drink. Remus's heart fell to his stomach.
"You're joking"
"If I was , it wouldn't be very funny" She replied. "It's the truth"
"Merlin's beard" He breathed out and he too leaned against the wall.
A comfortable silence fell between them. Remus then smiled a little and Horatia noticed.
"What you smiling about?"
"Do you remember when we first met and got to know each other?"
"Yes, in the secret room with the books and piano" She smiled too with the thought of it.
"I never told you something that day. My mother had taught me to play piano and every time I finished my lesson she's give me chocolate, to make me feel better. The last time I played for anyone was my mother, the day she died. She reminded me so much of you. This kind person, who loved people more than themselves and Unafraid of loving them. I couldn't look at a piano let alone play it and when Dumbledore put me in that room and we were reading, I realised something. That we would be friends, of a different sort. Never constantly together, separated by much but whenever we were together it would be as if we were never apart. Like my relationship with my mother. So when you asked for me to play, I imagined my mother there, seated beside you , smiling. Now I can play all day long, it was you that gave me back a piece of memory. You made me better. So just as you encouraged me to play music again, I will encourage, you tomorrow" He smiled, taking a chocolate bar out of his pocket.
Horatia was lost for words.
"Chocolate?" He offered.
She took a piece and placed it in her mouth. Leaning back on to the wall with her head leaning on his shoulder.

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