Chapter 34 - M.I.A

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(Same as the last chapter must read A Common Ground)

It begins and ends the same. As Time had done before, she watched from a safe distance. Making sure that nothing happened to her and if anything did, she would be there to stop it.

"lumos" she wandered quietly on the path.
The further she walked the dense wood grew thicker, the leaves and and branches of the top started connecting like a canopy and it was burst of light through the gaps that gave her any sense of direction, the glow of her wand seemed practically pathetic. But further and further she went forward. All the while trying 'Accio' over and over again. She felt her shoulder sink in a little closer and her body tense as the darkness became thicker and tree's looked more like monsters of the night than the woods she saw minutes before hand. She walked for ten minutes sticking to the path when suddenly she looked down and the leaves and trail had been destroyed, a large smush in the dirt caused the path to look confusing. She paused for a second, breathing a little heavier. A rumble came from the thicket beside her, she turned to find nothing. She placed her hand on her heart.
"Clever girl you are Mia" 

She was still like her father, blonde hair blue eyes. Self-deprecating humour but her front tooth was slightly crocked and her nose was small and freckled.

She mocked herself sarcastically.
Another larger rumble. It sounded like the trees were moving and turning this time she looked above to see the leaves falling from the top and spiralling down toward her feet. She lowered her gaze from the top of the tree all the way down and nearly missed the large red light but quickly recovered and looked right at it. Two large red lights. She squinted and raised her hand higher seeing her reflection in those two large red lights.
Another rumble, the lights grew bigger and another two was added beside each one. She swallowed tightly but held her ground. The earth was shaking below her boots and it was as if someone was sinking a large knife into the Forrest floor and pulling it back out repeatedly. The lights grew bigger, then another two added, six now blaring red flames stared out toward her. She gripped her wand. The largest of all stabs smushed the earth just a few feet in front of her and from the glow of her wand tip, she saw the large tree, no not a tree, it was shimmering with a hair like sheen. Her heart thumped loudly as lastly the red lights became eight and now , a dawning sickening realisation that they were not lights but large red, bloody thirsty eyes that belonged to a Acromantula.
She never dared to scream, she never dared to breathe.
"What is a pretty thing like you doing out here?" He said sickening fake as another 12ft long leg appeared.
"I'm looking for something" She hadn't known how she spoke at all.
"Looking for something?" He said with a slight lisp that was caused by the slipping venom from his fangs. "Innocent thing, but here you are and you've found something that you most certainly wished you hadn't"
"That's from your prospective" She answered. He crawled nearer; the earth shuddering like it to, was creeped out by his eerie appearance.
"Are you not" he paused his four long legs now on show as he was 3 feet from her. "Frightened by me" He snapped his fangs.
"You mistake me for Ron Weasley" She mused and wished she hadn't made a joke when a 14ft tall beast was about to eat her. "You are great but I do not scare easily, are you king?"
He hissed and snapped his fangs as his legs moved agitatedly on the leaves. "Touchy subject okay, your name?" Mia tucked her wand in her back pocket and raised up her hands.
"Aranore, prince of Acromantula's" He bellowed proudly. "And you witch! What pathetic two legged scum do you belong to" His red eyes blazing.
"Malfoy, I'm Mia" She introduced. "I want no trouble, I just want my broom"
He neared her all his greasy, hairy eight legs now on show and he circled her.
"And trouble you have and broom left unfound, a pointless venture you've had" He snapped venom.
Mia started taking a step back as his looming figure became a giant shadow over her. In a split second his eight legs moved faster than a firebolt and towards her , so quickly she couldn't get her feet to move properly and she fell on her back as his giant patchy haired face, venom thick like tree sap falling in her clothes as she lay motionless, thinking this was her end.

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