How Horatia Ended

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{Stranraer, Scotland}

In a place near nowhere, next to an ocean that connects Ireland and Scotland; some resides. A blistering chilling wind descends on the town like a flu and yet people live as if the sun is splitting the rocks. The clouds plume grey and trailing along the sky, reflecting in the sea filled with white horses. A stretch of road wraps around the petite town and cuts through the mountain filled with stories of cannibals. Trees huddled tightly, as if they too are trying to bare the cold. There in the midst of the Canadian trees, a house larger than most, on its own with nothing but books and memories. Although stuck within the trees, a pool of green grass and few hills roll behind it and begin to awaken for the morning. The sun pushed it's way through the clouds shedding its beams to paint the earth below. As the sky turned to a light pink colour, the back door opened. A basket against her hip, laundry needs to put out. Taking her time, humming a old song her father used to, she pegs each thing up on the line. A cat goes through his door, stretching its toes on to the frosted tipped grass. He yawns and gives his neck a scratch.
"Don't you dare go near those baby rabbits" His owner scalds. "If you want something to do, go chase of that rat that chewed through my shed and ripped open the sawdust"
His greens look up to her, contemplating for a moment. Decided he walked over to her, purring against her bare ankles and goes to the shed. His owner watched him go, trotting off. She shook her head. Her young eyes squinting with the bright sun. She begins to sing again, grabbing the empty basket and strolling to the back door and in the house once more.
"Mum" she cried. "Washings out"
She got no reply. Groaning she strolled through the rich oak house and goes to find her. "Mammy!"
"What-ty" a voice comes from the library.
She rolled her eyes and goes to the library and finds her mother.
"The washings out, Them lot upstairs wont get out of bed and dad is heading out to the animals soon and two-socks is gonna catch the rat"
"I'll deal with your brother, you just go and grab your breakfast" She replied, taking off her reading glasses. Her daughter nods and leaves the room. Rolling her shoulders, she puts on her mothering pants and climbed the stair-cases.

Taking out her wand, she raised three glasses of water up and made them float in front of her. She opened the bedroom door, the smell of pizza and sweat hit her like a train.
"I'm gonna ask only once, nicely. You have ten seconds to get out of these beds before you have a unwanted shower"
She was met by grumbles.
"One" She began. "Two, three, four" she got nothing. "Nine-ten okay then" she moved her wand and the glasses turned and covered the boys in water. They yelled like they'd been burned and jumped from the bed.
"Mum!" The first cried.
"Now Joesph I'm glad to see you nice and awake your father needs some help with the horses" His mother grins.
"It's Saturday!" He declared.
"I know what day it is darling, but yet those Horses still need fed, despite it being the weekend" She raised an eyebrow.
He huffed air, looking to his friend.
"But you get everything done by ten, I'll take you into town and you can get that game you wanted last week and maybe a sneaky fish and chips" She added.
"Fine" He sighed out.
"You help Leo, see what your father thinks of that" She winked and walked to the door.
"Mum, can you-"
Horatia took out her wand and swabbed up the water.
"Come on, come on we haven't got all day now" She said afterwards. She leaves the room and walked downstairs.

A knock at the door.

Horatia frowned and went to the door. When she opened it , she found a family of blondes and a mother filled with curls.
"Surprise" Hermione Granger said. A gasp escaped her lips.
"Surprise indeed" Hugged Horatia. "And this is Mia and Findlay" She peeked over Draco's shoulder and saw Mia, smiling and Findlay standing shyly. "My, my, please come in from the cold"
"When I found out you were living here I didn't expect this" Hermione said.
"Please it's nothing to Malfoy Mansion" Horatia complimented.
"Don't pretend to be humble now Time" Draco teased.

"Mum who's at the door-" she came around the corner in a hurry and found the company.
"Time who's this" Hermione asked.
"This is-"
Then like a thundering rhino's the two boys bounce the stairs.
"My kids" Horatia laughed. "My daughter Lucy and my son Joseph and you know Leo" She introduced.
"I don't understand-" Hermione said small.
"Sometimes it's best to not try and understand everything" Horatia shrugged. "My husband is outside working, he'll be in later for his hourly tea and biscuit"
"Husband?" Draco laughed. "Are you gonna explain this to us?"
"No, you can fill in the blanks yourself and besides, what's the fun of knowing everything?" Horatia said. 
"I don't know, what is the fun of knowing everything mum?" Mia joked Hermione.

And all was well.

"Sometimes it's hard to let go. To be someone completely different after lifetimes of being the same version.
But that's what life is, it's growing and a changing. Taking off one suit and putting on another till the right one fits good. Life is just that, trying for what's right. It's taking your past and your present and using to be the better version of you in the future. And that's what time is, that's who I am. We are all the rulers of our own time, we just have to be wise enough to know how to spend it right"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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