Chapter 22 - A Conversation With Albus Dumbledore

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She entered the office with a small smile. Worried a little maybe, as Dumbledore wasn't always one that gave much away and by staying in his letter that he was wanting to talk to her about something important, made her a little uneasy. Dumbledore smiled small as he saw her.
"Hello Ms McGonagal, I hope you don't mind meeting me so early in morning"
He'd said as she'd taken a seat.
"Not at all Professor, how can I help?"
"In many ways" He mused. Clasping his fingers on the table he looked at her strongly with his blue eyes, twinkling through his half moon glasses. "Ms McGonagal , it is no illusion to me that you , have the possession of many gifts, your advancing everyday. But when I heard the news of the incident in Defence Against The Dark Arts, I was assured, that you had done it."
Horatia swallowed.
" But I don't think this is a bad thing, on the contrary , it's quite the confirmation on a question I've had since you were a first year."
She couldn't speak she was so confused.
" That day when the student was zapped to a toddler, myself was visiting a dear friend, perhaps you've heard of him; Newt Scamander? He's a long friend of mine and he knows a great deal about the subject we must talk about" He opened his drawer in his desk and pulled out a book and placed it in front of her. 

"Secrets of Secrets by Sammy Sandstone" She mumbled picking up the book. "I've never heard of this book"

"It's a new addition in the library , restriction section of course. Mr Scamander has donated it to the school, with a dozen or so others" Dumbledore replied. He opened up the book, skipping a few chapters , when finding the right page, he placed it in her hands.

"The Time Keeper?" Her eyebrows frowned. "What is-?"
"Read on, Ms McGonagal" He encouraged and she paused for a second, looking at him but knowing Dumbledore in all his strange ways, she listened and continued on.

"The Time Keeper, now known to be a myth as it's reputation was smothered in rumours of disbelief by those even in the highest in education. The story goes as thus follows, a single wizard or witch is selected within the millions that live amongst us, chosen for the simple task of wielding time itself. He or She has the capability to transport through out the centuries with a snap of the their fingers, playing with the seconds that we live and breath and maybe you and I live in a very different reality that what was original supposed to be. As time is always confusing and hard to keep track of , even for those with the most thorough knowledge of it. Time is a creature with a most untameable nature and filled endless possibilities. Only the most perfect candidate can be 'The Time Keeper'. It is a life of courage and respect but a life of danger and a thousand lives worth. It is said that Merlin himself was 'The Time Keeper'. There has only been speculation and tall tales of a secret hiding in the mist of life and that person is to never appear but only to be heard by those who need to be listening. Myself believes this great wizard or witch does live and breath in our community, as I took my searches deeper, I travelled to France where they call it 'Le déjà vous créateur' which translates to 'The Already you Creator' and in Bulgaria, old wizards called them 'промяна на реалността' which translates to 'Changer of Reality' This person perhaps; does not go as un-noticed as one might think. If we look closely, maybe we can find them and if it were I to meet them, I'm sure a thank you would suffice."

When Horatia finished the page she stared at the Dumbledore. "I don't know what you mean by showing me this"

"Yes you do Horatia, of course you do, you already know you're , as Sammy said himself, The Perfect Candidate" He replied. He interlaced his fingers and placed them on the desk. "I know myself that you are, I knew it from that very night in your first year, when you were so much in the grey, never black nor white, lover and fighter, a person without a country but apart of all of them, a gypsy travelling through towns that you love but never belong in. I would know. But you must listen to me, this question that I ask you, comes with such a cost. Your destiny Ms McGonagal, comes at such a cost"

Deep down within herself she knew it. She knew this was the calling, the great sound in the sky showing her the sign that this was it, this was who she was supposed to be and somehow, she couldn't escape it. It ran at her full force and she could only brace for impact. Emotions flooded in her as she felt tears brim her eyes. That word Time , like a lost piece in a never ending puzzle and she'd found it, she swallowed a lump in her throat and tried very hard to speak.

"What is it, Professor?" Some part of her, felt dread and another acceptance. A life as such the author had explained could be only lived by a person, who stood by themselves.

"It will cost you, your life Horatia. Everything you've built, your education, your family, your childhood, your love, everything; all of it, that's the cost." His voice was low and sad. He sounded as if he'd been dreading this part of the presentation.

"Is everyone else happy?" She husked.

"Yes, but everything you've touched, everyone you've known vanishes and your life will be the same".

There was a silence.


"You may believe that I rushed head first into this choice. But I know my whole life that I would never be someone who blended in and belonged in a house with a husband and kids, a dog perhaps and white picket fence. I could never simply be Horatia. How could I? Some have called me selfish, it must look that way. I finished my life but not just mine but an opportunity for so many others, Sirius especially. When I miss him, when I miss everyone; it's not mourning it's anger knowing I could have spent a single life time with them and that would have been more than a enough for anyone else. But I, remain. Those speak of wanting eternity, to live forever like it's a glorious thing. From first hand experience, eternity is a battlefield except everyone else has fallen, except you. But I stand still, waiting for the next and the next and on and on. Till the day comes where on and on turns off."


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