Chapter 23 - How Long is Left

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She left the office. Feeling almost numb and cold. But a part of her felt complete. She hadn't known what she felt or how to describe it. Sirius sat up from the floor immediately when he saw her.

"So, how was it?" He asked her quickly. He seemed worried.

Horatia decided something in that moment.

"I got a job working for the ministry, I signed up for it and I'll stat after I graduate" She said with a sniff. His smile grew with pride.

"That's amazing! which department?" He placed his hands on her forearms.

"Department of Mysteries" She said a sly smile and his eyes widened.

"Woah, look at you, are you trying to make me look more like an idiot? my girlfriend is too cool for me now" He teased with a grin. Her eyes lowered and guilt riddled her. She couldn't share it, it would kill her. "What's wrong?"

"I'm worried, I'm scared actually, change , it's not always good and I've never found it easy to adapt to it" She replied her eyes foggy. "Dumbledore says I'll be extremely busy, the hours are ridiculous and I'm scared I'll loose everything or I already have by signing up"

He frowns with a smile.

"Don't be daft women, you'll be peachy, getting the cash and being the hottest person in that place and you'll always have time for everyone, you'll be busy and sure change is scary but if anyone can handle the unknown , it's you angel, I know you can do this" He places his hands on her face, using his thumb to swipe away small tears she hadn't realised had fallen. "C'mere you plonker" He pulled her in to a hug and she held him tight, taking deep breaths.

"I wanna go somewhere" She said out of the blue.

"The Library?" He suggested. She laughs a little.

"No, like away, away from Hogwarts, just for a day and face the consequences later, not give a damn for anything other than ourselves for 24 hours" She stated clearly and he moved and gazed at her, he placed a hand on her forehead.

"Are you feeling well, Mrs Rules-are-not-made-to-be-broken?" He raised an eyebrow, she gave him a playful push.

"I'm fine, I just want to go, because seriously, how long do we really all have left to live the best life we ever lived? or only lived rather" She stared at him and Sirius knew she meant business.

"Well, so be it- I hear Glasgow is very sunny today" He grinned wickedly. She couldn't help but grin too, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"That doesn't happen very often" She mused as he pulled her to him.

"We must cease the moment and I can only guess that it came out for you, now it's a good thing that I spruced up my bike" He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"What did you do?" She asked in a low voice. He bit his lip as if he'd done something terrible which could be a possibility. Instead of answering he kissed her. Then excitedly pulled away, grabbed her hand and dragged her away.



Lily sighed as she gazed at the door.

"Looks like she's not coming" She spoke aloud and Remus gazed up at her.


"Horatia, she sent me an owl about ten minutes ago saying that she wasn't feeling well, she said she might come, but everybody is nearly leaving and I don't think she's coming" She explained, curious , Remus lowered his newspaper.

"Really?" He clicked his tongue. "And did she say what she was ill with?, nothing serious I hope?"

"Oh no, her stomach, said she'd been puking most of the morning, poor thing, I was going to send some potions her way but it seems Madame Pomfrey bet me to it, said she needed a day in bed and she'll be good as new; but I did hope she'd come up"

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