Chapter 29 - The Unthinkable

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*Warning, this chapter contains dark themes, such as death and depression. If this is sensitive to you, please do not read. Harry Potter, as beautiful and as wonderful the world that we love is, it is filled with a lot of dark and scary themes and my story is no different*

"I'll never forget that feeling, that dread inside me. How it swallowed me up so quickly. So young, so much things to give to the world, so much time to have left to spend. When the old die it's sad but they know they've lived, but when the young die- the rest of us do to"

When Horatia arrived, the street was screaming. People were outside the house, scared to go in. Snape was there, he pushed through the ocean of people, going toward the house.
"You can't go in there!" A voice cried from the crowd. Horatia raced up taking hold of her Auror badge she jumped in front of the crowd
"Nothing to see here folks, go back to your beds, your safe, we are dealing with the situation promptly" She declared. "Anyone that stays on the premises will be arrested in suspicion"She raised her badge and crowd quickly dispersed and Horatia nodded to Snape.

He walked in first and after a moment or two, Horatia followed. This was no longer a house but a tomb. She felt she was trespassing, on something unholy. If she was to enter, a curse would leave within her when she left it. A screaming baby could be heard upstairs.
"Harry" She choked. Severus climbed over something on the landing and went straight to the bedroom and when Horatia climbed the stairs, seeing that something of which Severus ignored was the body of James Potter himself. Her heart sank to her feet. Sick built inside as she knelt down and touched his face. The house was so quiet, the darkness was so full; she could barely believe it. She took off his glasses and closed his eyes. Tucking his spectacles into his shirt pocket. Tucking her arms under his, she raised him and sat him upright, leaning him against the wall. When she finished, she could hear mumbling. Weeping was coming the from the bedroom ;It was not just Harry's anymore.
"Who's in here, Auror department" A voice came from downstairs. She turned and placed her finger on her mouth and raised her badge once more.
"Horatia time,, department of mysteries ; I need Albus Dumbledore here immediately " She stated. "I've come straight from the ministry" She added.
"Yes ma'am, the bodies?" He asked her, looking to James by her side.
"Will be left for a moment, get Dumbledore here" She said once more. The Auror left, to fufill his instructions. She walked to the door of the bedroom and pushed it open.

Severus lay, slumped on the floor, with Lily in his arms while Harry sobbed in his crib.
"Severus" Horatia said. He swallowed a sob that was about to escape his lips.
"She doesn't deserve this" He said. His voice slightly weak from his tears.
" I know, nobody does" She replied. Harry was exhausted from his crying, his voice had disappeared. "Lily deserves to be beside the man she loves Severus" Horatia added.
"I love her" He snarled toward Horatia.
"I know, but that wasn't what I said"Horatia sniffed. A tear running down her face when she looked down to Lily. "Lift her Severus, put her beside James"
Snape was hesitant unsure of what to do.
"Why should I listen to you?" He asked.
"Because you know it's the right thing to do, even if it goes against everything inside you" Horatia walked over to the crib, to Harry. Severus sighed, taking a deep breath and raised Lily and himself up off the floor.
"He better be worth, for what she did" Snape stood with Lily in his arms, glaring at Harry.
"He's a fire starter, he's worth all of us" She replied, picking up Harry and wrapping him in a blanket. They walked out the bedroom and Snape placed Lily on the floor, next to James.
"Thank you" Horatia said as Harry fell into a deep sleep in her arms.
"I didn't do it for you, or anyone alive here" He wiped his face.
"I must go, send word that Lord Voldermort has fled" He had barely finished his sentence when he left without a another look behind him. Horatia sighed, with Harry in her arms, sound asleep. She reached over and placed a kiss on each of Lily and James's foreheads.
"Horatia" Dumbledore had arrived and he was climbing the stairs when he said her name.
"He killed them" A tear fell from her eye and trailed down her face. "But Harry, Harry lives" She showed Dumbledore the boy in her arms.
"The boy who lived for another day" Dumbledore said, raising his hand. "But look" A single finger raised up the baby's hair and showed a scar, like a lightning bolt.
"The boy who lived" Horatia nodded. "That sent Voldermort back into the shadows"
"You don't think he's dead?" Dumbledore asked.
"I know one thing, this is only the beginning of a long journey, we must keep a watchful eye" Horatia stated.
"JAMES! LILY!" A voice ripped through the silence.
"That's Sirius" Horatia's eyes widened.
"I thought I saw his motorbike, he'll be here to take the baby, we must speak to him" They left Lily and James to their peace and quickly left the house. Hagrid held back Sirius.
"LET ME GO!" He was screaming. "LILY! JAMES!" He was weeping.
Horatia and Dumbledore came to where Hagrid was. The gentle giant was trying to calm him down but nothing was any use. He continued to kick and scream.
"Sirius" Dumbledore said. "Lily and James are dead, I'm sorry but they're gone, they won't answer you"
The young man's voice died in his throat.
"Let me see them, where's  Harry?, I'm his Godfather he should be with me" Sirius stated.
"He's here and he's asleep, you must calm down" Horatia stated, placing Harry in Sirius's arms. "Lily and James are gone, I will make sure that they will be respected and placed where they wanted to be buried"
"I'm sorry, I know you're an Auror but why are you here, the rest of the department haven't arrived yet, you're nothing to do with us and my family" Sirius snapped at her. A knife went right through her heart but she didn't keep it.
"I understand, but I am here non the less, Lily and James trusted me with their will and I to deal with any situations that would occur if they died before their time" She explained calmly. Sirius nodded, holding Harry tight to his chest.
"Now Sirius, you're not going to like what I have to say next" Dumbledore began, " Harry, will not be raised by you, he must go to Lily's sister Petunia and her husband. "
"Petunia?!" Sirius declared outraged. "That wizard hating cow, who despised Lily and James? No, I won't allow it" Sirius shook his head.
"I'm afraid you have no right to stop it. It's in their will and it must be granted" Horatia stated firmly.
Sirius looked to Harry, tears burning in his eyes.
"Never in my wildest nightmares could I think of a worst night" He raised Harry's face to his own. " I'll take him "
"No Sirius, Hagrid will , i'll meet him there" Dumbledore stated.
"I promise" Sirius said. "I promise I never told anyone, not a single person" Sirius felt tears grow and spill once more.
"We know, but it is time for you to say goodbye" Dumbledore looked to Harry. "More than once"
Horatia could hardly bare it.
"I, I can't" Tears fell fiercely down his handsome face. His eyes were red and blood shot, they had lost that spark.
"You might not know me Sirius, but I know how much you loved them. Would you like me to go in with you?" She offered but he took a hard sniff and shook his head. He raised his hands and scraped his hair back from his eyes, composing himself a little. "No, I'll go in but first" He looked down to Harry. Sirius pulled the baby close to him, hugging him gently. Kissing Harry's face, he wrapped the blanket a little tighter around him, to escape the cold. "Here, take him before I change my mind" He placed Harry in Hagrid's hands. The giant stared at the babe, his beetle black eyes blinking tears, for them to disappear in his beard. Sirius cleared his throat; walking past Horatia and Dumbledore he entered the open door and turned to the stairs where he saw them. Horatia watched him, but seeing him take to the stairs, she turned.
"Dumbledore, this is my prediction. Everything from this point, I can't touch. But things will work out. Bless their souls, too young. I need to go and speak to Remus" She said, looking down at Harry in Hagrid's hands. 
"What about Peter?" Dumbledore frowned." He was their friend too"
"Believe me Dumbledore, he already knows" She whispered to the wizard. He shot her a look , all she could do was hope that he understood what she meant. "I'll see you soon"
Running down the street, a roll of thunder was summoned and lighting cracked into the street and whisked her away in the blink of an eye.

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