Chapter 6 - The Unspoken War.

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(WARNING: Some readers may not like the following chapter because it speaks about the suffering of bulling and hurt, if you are one of these people, please skip this chapter and read the monologue at the end, thank you -Morgan x )

"Help is not weakness" - Professor Time


"I knew that bad things awaited me and never dared to tell my sister, silly of me ;thinking back now. I wish I did tell her, maybe we would've been better for it, but I didn't and swallowed it up and believed I deserved it-that being the worse of it. We always believe the bad better than the good, the poison seeped through out veins and before we know it, our heart and minds rupture and sprits break with nothing left but one solution that shouldn't even exist. Within one day they managed to do it, complete their year long task of destroying me. All year Bellatrix teased and mocked me, embarrassed me and spat on me. A punching bag to the older ones. I never told a soul of the wicked cruelty she preformed. I was to frightened too. The one person who I confided in was myself. But one day, that horrible life changing day and now I see no negative, I'm better because of that day but maybe for you lot it's tough to hear. I will tell you this-look at me now, I'm strong and scarred- I'm powerful and broken. Their is nothing wrong with being both strong and broken. To know you have a weakness makes stronger and to know you can fight against those who hurt you, that's true magic"

Horatia was tossed out her bed at 4am. Fear filled her mind, knowing that the dreaded was about to begin. No sooner did her blue eyes settle in the darkness did they land on something darker, Bellatrix. Her brown eyes wild and showing more white than normal.
"Baby takes a step to far" She leered wickedly. Horatia's chest suddenly rose up and fell down quicker, a few pairs of hands grabbing her.
"Silenco" Bellatrix pointed her wand at Horatia, so nobody heard her screams.

"Nothing is worse than feeling useless. There, as they silently carried me from the bed and out the castle, I never felt more useless in my life".

The bitter air clung to her as Christmas neared. Rudolphus , enjoying every second, laughed with the love of life. Both of them amused by each moment of torture. The carried her off through the fields, a blind spot in the eyes from the castle. She tried wriggling, everything,  to break their grasp. It seemed no use.

"Bullying , is unspoken war. The casualties are all people. It's usually only the strongest soldiers survive it"

Tossed to the ground, she felt the earth slap her and frost covered grass freeze her even make so.
"You wanna be everyone's wittle friend? , is that all wittle baby" Bellatrix spat, circling her like a lion. The others laughed. Horatia made her way to stand was kicked backdown. She clutched her stomach, cringing in pain. Her eyes watering. "You think you can talk to everyone and be wittle friends?" Bellatrix continued. "Well I have to tell you" Bellatrix sent another kick her way, this time to her face. "That's not how it works, now shall we?" Surrounded now Bellatrix invitation sent to everyone began to beating, kick after kick, hit after hit. She'd thrown up her dinner, spat out her blood and was slowly growing blind in a eye. "You don't do what you want" Her condemning voice wrung in her ears. "Far from it, you do as your told, you should be lucky you got into Slytherin! Half blood! " He screeched. This reminder of Horatia's blood stays seemed to only egg her on and she sent spells of the sorest kind to her. Their must of been a few older students because these were some Horatia could not recognise. Her nails dug into the earth. Tears, blood and vomit all over her. Screams , begging, pleads of silent mercy ghost her mouth.

Time looks to her students, all seated at the table unable to comprehend. Draco's fist curled , Harry's green eyes unable to move from her, Ron's mouth fell open and few cried.
"I don't pretend to be perfect but I know one thing, no person deserved that, this is why I did not tolerate your quarrels or fights " She felt Hermione's hand take hers.

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