Chapter 14 - The Minister Of Magic

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I just want to say a big thank you for hitting 100! - that's awesome, anyways, enjoy reading -Always Morgan x


"We were happy, finally after years of secret glances and hopes and dreams, our prayers were answered, we walked together, held hands , showed our relationship to a certain point, the abuse was still there and every now and then somebody shouted out something, we ignored it mostly, sometimes it was hard too, sometimes it wasn't shouting, sometimes we had to fight back and usually, it was the same person, a jealous, hurt person"

'Last day of 5th year'

"Severus that's enough!" Lily screamed as James was blasted into the stone wall.
"Shut it mudblood" Said the Slytherin holding her. She wriggled and fought against him.
"Don't call her that!" Remus roared , jumping from the Slytherins hold on him and hitting him.
"SILENCO!" Cried Snape and soon silence fell over them.
James heaved breaths, his head was bleeding , glasses broken and askew. Snape snarled his yellow teeth, his wand pointed and again caused James , who was exhausted and sore, to rise up and hit the stone again. Lily screams but no sound echoes her lips.
"Saving me?" Snape laughed. "That's what you were doing I here? What you brag, saving your enemy and in doing so caught the eye of the mudblood" he looked to Lily hurt beaming in her green eyes and in doing so hurt himself.
"Snevillus" Taunted Sirius, who was floating upside down on the roof.
Snape ignored him and went to hit James again.
"Snevillus, snevy , sneeeevy" He laughed. Snape glared up. "Oh hey, how's it going, glad you could finally hear me, you see what I wanted to say to you, and it's really important is-" Sirius paused for dramatic affect as he saw the corner of a clock behind the corner and smirked. "You are a ugly, ugly person and I pity you and feel sorry for your mother for having wasted labour to give birth to you, or were you hatched from an egg, it would make more sense"
Anger vibrated the walls and and Snape raised his wand about to scream an unforgivable.
"I wouldn't" A wand poked his neck.
So caught up in his childish ways, Snape's pals were on the floor, Lilly and Peter were lifting James off the floor and Remus was off to get Dumbledore.
"Hiya Angel" Sirius waved. His hair standing on ends and face rather red from all the blood rushing to it.
Snape was past the point of anger and now in a rage that would last decades.
"Still pinning I see" Snape looked to her over his shoulder.
"Still an arse I see" She replies smoothly. "Now, I'll ask you only once Severus, put down your wand or cut you down quicker than you could turn to face me" Horatia muttered in the thick of the darkness.
"You wouldn't dare" Snape's head turned right slightly to watch her move.
"Put down your wand" she pressed her own in his back painfully. The hall stood still, the only thing heard was the Maurders heavy breath and Horatia could hear everyone's minds racing.
But one stood out. Snape's.

"I wonder if it all be worth it, giving up your house, your friends, Lucius, for these, people that constantly needing saving, can't save the whole world Horatia, you didn't have too, but take their path, Lucius cared, he cared if you died tomorrow, but would they?"

His snake like voice hissing in her ears when suddenly she gave him no easy way out, her anger thudded in her chest and slammed him into the wall. His wand on the floor, Lilly caught it, and James and Peter caught Sirius who fell from the great height.
"I've had enough" She stated, turning him and grabbing him by the front of the robes, his face inches from hers. "Of people like you, thinking it's okay to treat people like dirt beneath your shoes" she grabbed her wand. "I could do it you know" She pressed it into his neck. She stared at him with eyes of fire, burning into his very soul. "Put you out of your misery" She continued. Then reading his thoughts, she grinned , she was getting under his skin.
"Get out of my head!"
"To late! I know everything, every tiny pathetic detail! Every nook and cranny, remember next time you plan to threaten me or anyone I love, you swore to Dumbledore about the violence, back in first year, imagine the disappointment on his face, you have too actually , he's on his way and I can't wait to see what he has in store for you" she said, fire still burning red in and he couldn't help it, he feared those awful blue, like the hottest part of a flame.
"Horatia" Lilly, touched her shoulder. "Let's go, Remus is back, look" She pointed past her and Horatia gazed to see Remus and Dumbledore headed toward them.
"You'll regret this" Snape said and she turned her head back to him.
"I all ready regret you" She tossed him out of her hands making him slide down the wall. Lilly placed his wand at his feet, which he immediately took.
She stumbled back and everything washed over her, like a wave slapping the sand, the events sunk deep into her heart and she hated herself for it. She was a Slytherin after all.
"What happened? Why is Severus on the floor? And why is Sirius's face so red?" Dumbledore asked.
"A tiff, sir, that got out of hand, James , Severus  and the others were hurt" Lilly explained, rubbing her sore bruised wrists.
"And you?" He turned and looked to Horatia, who was walking backward from Snape.
"No sir, I'm-im fine" She answered, looking to Sirius, who had a worried expression. Dumbledore's face looked as though he knew something more.
"All right, well Severus, with me please and Remus and Peter, take the others to the madam Pomfrey , let's not have this happen again"
They quickly followed their orders and they watched as Severus skulked along the corridor with Dumbledore and Remus and Peter helped James walk. Lilly just behind , her head hung low.
"Sirius" Horatia whispered. "I-I'm sorry, I went too far again, I can't control my temper I just-" before she could continue, Sirius pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around him, bathing in his touch.

"That day we left for the summer and me and Severus never said another word to each other for years, my county house and fields of horses and cows awaited me back home with my forgetful aunt and Biscuit, but it wouldn't be till years later that I found out what happened that night, what Dumbledore knew, what he'd decided, my fate was sealed and destiny stood beckoning with a smile, though now I can't tell if it was with knife behind his back."

"I have to say Professor I was surprised by your call, nowadays you keep yourself quiet" The Minister stated, seating herself down after shaking his hand.
"And I come with an even surprising proposal" He declared, taking a seat.
"Well you have my attention, tea?" She offered, pouring herself one in a fine China cup.
"Yes please" He smiled small, then continued. "You must be aware, when you began your ministry work that of the peculiars that come along with it" He said. "Just milk" He said as she offered sugar.
"There you are, yes I am, quite surprise what out ministry hides when I was elected" She said passing him a tea cup and sitting down again.
"Then you must know of the job that has recently been unoccupied" He spoke quietly, leaning closer. She did too.

She raised an eyebrow, her chin rising.
"Yes" She said slowly.
"And you will also know that it's previous employee had a few references for its next" He stated.
"Indeed , Professor" She nodded taking a sip from her cup and placing down on its saucer.
"Well, I must say when it was brought up not so long ago with a few gentlemen in the Department of mysteries I was quite shocked to hear it spoke to conversationally as you and I both know it's rather important to the survival of our well being" He said and continued forth " When I over-heard that such a letter was being passed about like a joke I took the liberty of retrieving it back and held on to it , till we met again in your convenience, to return it" He slipped the battered envelope from his cloak and handed it over.
"I you have my apologises for seeing such lack of decorum in my department Albus, believe me if I had known-"
"Of course Minister Jenkins, absolutely ma'am I only tell you so that a future problem can be avoided" He smiled again but the said. "I'm sure you've read it as I have and saw a certain specific description , young in age, strong in spirit, female and the most interesting I thought-rather bewildering - a Slytherin"
The minister raised her eyebrows, placing the envelope under lock and key.
"Now I'm no one for prejudice but I was curious considering the very threat that grows day and night was in the exact house this man stated , I can't help but be careful" Dumbledore said.
"I understand, female , young age, Slytherin, you haven't anyone in mind have you?" Eugenia mused as they both sipped their tea.
"I did say Minister that I had a proposal to make" His blue eyes twinkled as he looked through his half-moon spectacles.
"You did indeed and tell me Professor Dumbledore, who is that you have in mind?" She asked leaning back in her seat.
"Horatia McGonagal" He stated.
"I've never met her, nor heard of her"
"That's why she's perfect" He said
" She wouldn't happen to be related to the McGonagal Gryffindor Quiddich champion from back my day?" She asked.
"The daughter of her, she's like no Slytherin I've ever seen, she's ..tough" He said putting a hand through his white beard.
"I dare say with a mother like that" Stated the Minister, grabbing a tea-biscuit from a plate.
"Horatia is nothing like her mother or her sister, but plenty like her father, soft and comedic, she cares about people and children , about differences and standing up for the peculiar, it's why I'm fond of her" He replies placing his cup down and interlacing his hands.
"If you believe this girl is it then, I have no objection" She replies placing her own tea cup down.
"I do believe in her" He stated. "It's not a easy task to find someone to fill in such large shoes"
"I thought being Minister of Magic was a big job, The Time Keeper is one cross I do not want to bare"

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