Chapter 9 - The Crush

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"I saw him and I knew right there and then that I liked him and it grew from there, silently, secretively, deadly" -
Professor Time.


Horatia made her way up the hall, heading to lunch. She watched as Lucius and Narcissa were just In front. She was first amused by the drastic height Lucius had grown too. Now at least 6ft and rather built. He'd asked her to try out for Quiddich  earlier that year and she went for it, he the best keeper they'd had in a few years and she now a chaser. She wanted to say hi but their conversation ahead took a sudden turn as Narcissa glared at Lucius. She turned sharply and stormed down the way toward Horatia. She wanted to ask what's wrong but received a hit on the shoulder by Narcissa's . She frowned. Narcissa had been distant but never uncivil, friendly to say the least but now she didn't even look to Horatia. She turned to Lucius, who was frustrated.
"Cissa!" He'd called but she continued to storm off. He tucked his hands in his pockets and leaned against the cold castle stone. He sighed his slick blonde hair falling.
"Trouble in paradise?" Horatia mused. She watched small smile grace his sharp face.
"Of a sort" He replied,he turned his head and looked at her.

"Before Voldermort, before expectation and worry, before hell erupted in his life, Lucius Malfoy was a boy. That never got a chance. He wasn't a coward, he wasn't horrid, he was my friend and sometimes, something more"

"Is she okay?" She asked him. He tilted his head in a curious way.
"Why do you care?" He wondered. "She's treated you like rubbish this entire year, not to forget her sister terrorises you?" He added
"I don't know" She shrugged "Guess I just care about people"
"Be careful who you care for" He raised from the wall and looked down to her with a small smile. "When they embraced you they might sink a knife in your back"
"You were always such a ray of sunshine Lucius" She sighed. "But seriously what was that about?"
He groaned placing his hands on his face. Scrapping back his blonde hair he looked at her with an exhausted expression. His blue eyes sunk deep within her soul, some tiny part of her didn't want him to stop.
"Nothing, don't worry about it, why not we sit together for dinner?" He offered. She rolled her eyes with a smile.
"We always sit together"
He leered, lifting a hand and pushing back hair from her face.
"I want to keep it that way" He winked and let his fingers trace her face.
"Behave yourself, someone will see us" She laughed lightly.
"And so what if they do?" He stated. "Why should I care?" He added placing both hands on her face.
"Who are you and what have you done with Lucius?" She replied placing her hands on his. "I'd like my old-fart back please"
He scoffed in return. Lifting her chin up.
"Old-fart, what blasphemy"
"It's true" She raised an eyebrow. "Your not gonna tell me what's wrong with Narcissa are you?"
"Your too nosey for your own good, one day your gonna stick your nose in the wrong type of people's business and it's gonna get cut off"
"So no then?"
He laughed at her.
"You're something Horatia" He shook his head.
"Something? Of course I'm something, we are something" She mused.
"But not all us are as beautiful as you" He replied, kissing her cheek. "See you at dinner" He waved her off and left. She smiled and shook her head.
"I was unaware at the time that a spy hid around the corner, watching our conversation and told Narcissa everything and little extra, later I entered the common room to find out my fate"

"There she is shh" Said one as Horatia entered.Suddenly she felt very out of place and her stomach tightened. She looked to the study area, were round tables circled the room. Narcissa and two others sat there, Narcissa was crying and hiding it.
"Are you all right?" Horatia said walking over, quite alarmed.
"Yes, fine" Narcissa answered bitterly.
"Is this about what I saw in the hall, between you and Lucius?" Horatia stowed toward the table. Narcissa's fist curled, her nails digging into her palm.
"No" She said through her teeth.
"It's about what happened after, actually" Said one of her friends. Horatia looked at her confusedly.
"Who are you?" She glared. "I'm sure Narcissa can speak for herself"
"I can and I will" The Blonde stood from her seat and stood before Horatia. Glaring down at her, her greyish eyes blurred with tears of rage.
"You will leave Lucius alone, you stupid girl, or so help me , I'll ask Bellatrix to finish the job she started three years ago"
Now Horatia was angry.
"Let me make my self clear Narcissa, you have no control over me, you can hand out your empty threats like Bellatrix is my boggart, she isn't , I will not stop talking to one of my closest friends just because your jealous of our connection, which is not my fault"
"Friends?" Laughed Narcissa. "You as oblivious as you are hideous, I know what you talked about once I left, how you care for each other, secret love affairs in the halls, well I know and stop this innocent game you play"
"I don't play games, that's what you Black's jobs, Lucius I can't speak for him, but I wish for nothing more than to be friends, there is no secret love affairs, we are not in the 18th century, it's 1974 for God sake" Replied Horatia seething.
"I know you have feelings for him, but you will never be with him, ever, you are nothing but a half-blood, imperfect and poor, a disgrace to the Slytherin house who shields behind Dumbledore, a fool, you will never be anything in your life, a nobody with nobody who cares for you, like all cockroaches" Narcissa spat her chest heaving.
"It's a shame Cissa, that you feel this way, that you are angry at me, I Can see that jealousy as pulled the wool over your eyes, but not me, I see clearly and now i see you clearly for the first time, to think I came here to make sure you're all right, you want the truth Narcissa? Lucius told me you were the backstabbing type and he was right, your a envies bitch"
Narcissa raised her hand about to slap when Horatia grabbed her wrist.
"You, you" Spluttered Narcissa her anger sky rocketing.
"I'm done" She tossed Narcissa hand making her stumble back. "You've lost a friend and created an enemy"
Horatia picked up her Quiddich bag and left the room for practise.

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