Chapter 12 - Now or Never

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"they both had something on their minds. It seemed so fimilar about that scene; her leaving a Malfoy behind. It was so common that neither adults could look at each other." - Excerpt from Chapter 8- 'A Great Feast & A Great Fight'  The Time Keeper.

"You must understand, these times, these ways, these people, were different. Purebloods had single purposes, earn money, get married, have kids, they earn money, they get married and they have kids and on and on till a horrendous monotonous cycle that doesn't end till it's quenched. I was young, I was scared; rumours about Lucius's intentions, were as common as  clouds in British sky; my heart was broken, the umbilical cord of my social life was cut and I only saw green snakes in the grass-my out look grew dimmer and my emotions I felt grew duller with each second I breathed that dungeon air, when you're a Slytheirn it's not just a house you stay at school it's a way of life and 90% of it was corrupt" She closed her eyes, heart aching "And my dearest , what I did, what they made me do, punished him and his friends and I couldn't help but feel the shame and guilt, my biggest regret was not pushing the Slytherin's away sooner, it's not, actually" She stopped.

After all this time Sirius still didn't give up. Dreaming of the day when the Malfoy heir would leave and he could talk to her again. But it seemed it would be sometime till that dream was made true. Walking was something he did often to clear his mind and today, a beautiful afternoon, he would not have his peace. She was playing in the practise field, the very same they met. He froze watching her race up and down.

"Still yearning I see" Drawled Snape from behind him.

"What do you want Snevilus" He sighed , crossing his arms.

"Oh nothing, I find it entertaining to watch your misery, what a fine thing to loose" He lifted himself from the wall and away from the dark he looked so perfect in.

"Run along and play with your chemistry set you over-grown rat" Sirius snapped. A sight caught their eye and Severus chuckled as the Gryffindor's tough exterior crumbled. Lucius was walking on the field with a drink in his hand. Sirius watched as she flew down , smiling and walked to him.

"How preposterously evil of her" Severus mused. Sirius went to walk away when Snape grabbed him, side pinned him, forcing him to watch on. "Oh how she cares for you Sirius Black" He spoke cruely, Sirius fighting against him . "Look what could've been"

Horatia took the drink with a smile . They were talking lightly and Laughing. Lucius tucked a strand of hair away from her face. Then his hand stayed on her cheek.

"Watch and see what will never happen" Snape cursed in Sirius. He took a step closer to her , their eyes drown in each other by every inch was closed between them . Sirius pulled and moved from Snape but he gripped tighter, his hands ripping at his chin, forcing him to watch his nightmare.  Then finally, as Sirius's heart shattered on the ground, Lucius kissed her.

"You are nothing, she would never have you, why in the world would she?, a traitor , a nothing, a no one, who doesn't even have the guts to fight back. You may be a Gryffindor but you're a coward, to her anyway" Snape roughly shoved Sirius's head back to it smacked the wall. He couldn't speak, he couldn't comprehend.

"We have that in common Snievelus" He finally said after a minute or two. Snape made to turn away. "But the difference is" He said as Snape walked down the stone hallway. "I'm not giving up, till I have her, just you wait and see" For Sirius had seen her look away from Lucius after he'd kissed her and remembered when he'd kissed her himself that all she did was look at him, there was hope in him yet.


It wasn't until Christmas time that Sirius could talk to Horatia. The Slytherin's had near all gone home for Christmas, even Snape. She could breath. On the 23rd, she walked down the hallway to go grab a hot chocolate from the kitchens, hoping to curl up in a chair with a nice book with Biscuit. Though her plans quickly obliterated as she saw Sirius walk the opposite way, it was inevitable, she knew at some point this might happen. But when it did, she wasn't prepared. They fell frozen as the ice on the windows, eye unmovable from each other.

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