Chapter 19 : A Man's Heart Is At Stake

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When it was time to leave the Potter's house to get the train. Horatia peeked outside her door, it was still dark outside and she hated how she could never sleep in. She was already dressed for the train and her trunk was already at the school with Minerva. She put out a foot and the floor creaked.
"Hey" a whisper shout nearly made her leap put her skin.
"James Potter I'm gonna smack you" She said taking a deep breath as the lanky Gryffindor creeped out the darkness.
"Oh please do, I am a bad boy" He mused and so received a punch in the arm. "Okay I deserved that, come with me small fry" He waved downstairs and she rolled her eyes.
"I'm not that small-"
"Yes you are" James said quickly and she sighed knowing he was right. "Where are we going?" She asked him as they walked through the kitchen.
He walked over to the cupboard and ignored her question with a smirk. She groaned but watched him take out a loaf of bread and grab a few slices.
"Would you mind?" He asked motioning to the wand she had in her pocket. She muttered something and soon the slices were toasted to perfection.
"Gosh I love witches" He grinned and took out the marmalade and spread it across the bread, handing her slice afterward. "Here you are"
She took it with a deadpan expression and bit into it and enjoyed the sweet orange tangy taste.
"Now come on" James lead her out the kitchen and into the back garden.

Then the most bizarre thing occurred.

James finishing toast one second and then suddenly a massive stag standing by her the next. She near choked on her toast. Then a giant black dog cane running up to them holding two brooms in his mouth.
"What the-"
He dropped the brooms and then sat on one , the stag (James) doing the same. The black dog barked and the stag let out strange un-nameable noise and the brooms raised.
"W-the hell-just-I'm so confused" She spluttered and coughed watching as the dog and stag moved slowly from the ground , hovering around at 4ft in the air. The dog was panting and stag was trying to fall off.
"James did you drug the marmalade?" She asked the Stag, he shook his great head , antlers nearly poking her eye out.
Then they grew higher and higher and higher, till she could only see little blobs in the sky. Then in a horrible turn of events , the stag (James!) falls from the broom making that strange horrendous noise again. Then before hitting the ground his body morphed back and he screamed "Accio broom!" It swooped in and caught him before he became mash potato on the grass.
"Are you alright?!" She squeaked.
"Ahmmm" was all he could reply.
The dog lowered himself gently , before that dog reached the ground, he turned into a scruffy handsome young man.
"Sirius!" She gaped. "You idiot , you could've both died and then I would have to tell your parents that you both were illegal animagus trying to see who could get higher on  a broom! The amount of stupidity boys posses with never cease to amaze me" She groaned.
They both looked at her.
"What Sirius?" She snapper and looked at him. He bit his lip.
"You have marmalade on your lip" She stared at him with all the fires of hell blazing in her eyes. "You look so beautiful right now I could kiss you"
" I couldn't agree more " James added and Sirius glared at him. "Sorry"
"You both kiss my arse if you'd like, honestly!" She walked away.
"That's the wrong direction!" James called after that.
"I know, I'm going for a walk!" She cried back.
Sirius and James looked at each other and then the giggles came and once they started they couldn't stop, both rolling in the grass holding their stomachs.

"Angel!" Sirius cried after her as she stomped through the grass. "Horatia, come on" He caught up in a few good strides of his long legs and she exhaled deeply.
"You could've died" She said immediately. He paused. "You could've have fell and died, broke your neck or something, then what would I do? , go crazy certainly, knowing that I watched while you two idiots pulled a stunt like that" She huffed , folding her arms.
"It was only a bit of fun, I'm sorry, your absolutely right" He said hiding his smile for later.
"I know you and James like to have a bit of a laugh and your free to it, but consequences of actions can end fatal" She said seriously.
Sirius gazed at her for a second.
"I, I don't really know what to say"
She looked up , unfolding her arms.
"Oh I'm just being paranoid, I'm sorry" She threw her arms around him. "It's just with school, last year and all and still everything going on with those people on our tail, I just wish that for once things were quiet and stags and dogs remained on the ground" She felt him laugh and she released from the embrace gazing at him for a second. She placed a hand on his face.
"My dearest " She whispered sweetly as he leaned on her hand, taking in his warmth.

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