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I know I have published other stories like Cinderella and Mute boy but later on I unpublished it. If you want to know why you can go on my message board see it by yourself. My heart was not happy whenever I wrote them because of the comments I received from some of the readers. I felt really annoyed. 

No ideas popped in my mind and I left with nothing. That's why I thought of unpublishing. Right now I writing chapter for those books whenever I get time and I will only publish them when I finish them completely. Now this story is something which I always wanted to publish. It's something that has been in my draft work for ages so I hope you guys will like it. 

And no, I will never unpublish this book since I have most of the chapters done. Hope no harsh comments will come in way in this book. 

No plagiarism! please

See you soon. 


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