.Chapter Nineteen.

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I know my stories lack a lot in many ways..And when you want to give your opinion please say it properly. It just the words usage hurts. You could have used a nicer way to tell me. I am not a person to get angry with these kind of comments but please say it nicely. 

"The story is getting boring and it's shit please change it into th----blah blah" 

You could have said 

"Please can you add this into the story to make it more interesting...." 

Not that hard you know. 


There was nothing but silence as she was siting on the chair in front of the guests. She never took her hand off her stomach. Ever since she heard the news she was pregnant. Y/n was, I don't know, Lost?

The girls suppose to be happy about getting pregnant but why was their no happiness. Why there was no glow on her skin. 

"Are you okay princess?" The father spoke as he held her white shaking hand on the table. Y/n was brought back into reality as she nods her head before her eyes looks the boy in front. 

It would be a lie if she said he was not handsome. He was pretty and kind. The way he introduced himself when he first met her said every little thing about his personality. She could tell that he wasn't like any other man but again she was bad at judging.  She can't trust anyone now. 

He snatched all of that trust.

"Okay so can we talk about why we have gathered here?" Baekhyun's father spoke as he looked Mr park. Who sat up properly before wiping the corner of his lips with the napkin which was placed on his laps. 

Clearing his throat he opened his mouth to speak. "Okay so after our last meeting when you wanted to make a deal with me and I rejected, I went away and thought about it. I came to a conclusion that it was my mistake. I know how your company is really smart with it's profits and investments so I would like to accept your offer." 

The old man also known as Mr Byun smiled at his son. His eyes were shining with joy. Only he knew how much he needed this deal. And now finally hearing those words coming from Mr Park he couldn't describe his state. 

"Thank you so much Minjun. I don't have words." Mr park shook his head as he held the other man's hand. "Don't say that. You were the one who helped me building this business right? So this is nothing." From the corner Baekhyun was seen looking at you. 

The way you would poke your food or pout was making his heart beat. You looked so pure and innocent making him feel new things inside his stomach. He liked it. He liked that new feelings forming inside him. 

"But!" Mr Park's loud voice caught yours and Baekhyun's attention. You both gazed at the man siting on the middle chair. 

"In return you have to do something." Mr Byun smiled before slightly wiping his tears. "Fire it. I agree to whatever you say." 

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