.Chapter Ten.

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His finger on his shirt as he opened the buttons on his shirt one by one. His eyes looking at me with lust. I gulped while thinking what I should do at this moment. Should I run away or hit him.

I did hear all the conversation downstairs. And it was weird how he agreed to do it with me in just a second. Was he out of his mind. Like his grandfather is already dead. He won't know about this...


It felt as if my mind wasn't functioning at all. 

"Y/n~" he sexily called out my name. I bit my lip harshly. The view in front was breath taking. Those hard abs and that-

What am I saying now? 

"... I am sorry." I was brought out of my thoughts, when he spoke softly. His eyes were roaming all around my body. I wanted to scream right now in anger. I wanted to avoid this situation. 

Clenching my dress, my eyes shook in nervousness. I knew this day would come soon since I am his wife now. He has the right to k-kiss me in public or to take my virginity.

At this thought I nodded my head. I slowly lifted my hands as they were now on my zip at the back.  I gulped the hard knot in my throat while he stood in front of me half naked. Jungkook licked his lips in seduction when the strap of my dress came off my shoulder.Showing a little bit of my chest. 

Closing my eyes tightly. I got rid of the dress as it was dropped on the floor. And in no second he jumped on me as he pushed my body on the bed. As he hovered on top of me, I could see he was just like me. Scared and lost. But I didn't know why?


His breathing fastened when he kissed her neck. Her eyes closed tightly as she bit her bottom lip. Her tears were now real. Her grip tightening around the blanket which was placed on both of them. 

Jungkook kept the pace slow, knowing she was a virgin and innocent. He had to take care of her. He never had the intention to do something bad to her since she was just an innocent mute wife for him. 

She was too pure in his eyes. But he does what he is told to do. That's how he survives. 

"Y/n!!!" He screamed her name out loud. Groaning in pleasure as his breathe was kissing  her soft white neck. Leaving small pecks as he was thrusting his hips inside her, Y/n cried.


The sun was shining bright inside the room through the curtain. It shined on the girl making her squint her nose. The light was too much to handle when her eyes were opened. 

Her eyes were opening and closing trying to adjust. Meanwhile there he was seeing every action of his wife. He eyes her quietly finding her cute. When Y/n was unable to open her eyes he found it cute. Suddenly he dropped his nose on her eyes, closing them. 

"You are a dangerous women Y./n." He spoke still not letting her open her eyes. She confusingly raised her brow while he leaned in closer and kissed her forehead. Just this little sign made her heart skip a beat. 

It was weird. He always did this to her but she didn't know why it was like this. 

"Good morning Mrs Jeon." Moving away he looked at his wife's morning face. It was a beautiful sight for him. Y/n was just like how he dreamed his wife to be. 

The girl gave him a small smile before pushing him away from her body. As she got up she wrapped the blanket around herself. It was paining a lot between her legs and she hated it.

She got her phone as she wrote something on it. 

'I have to go have a shower and you go too. You stink.' She spoke as she smirked making him smirk too. 

His finger traced his plump lips as he got up too and hugged her from back. Kissing her shoulder he smiled. 

"Why don't you join me than wifey." 

Before hearing anything else he picked her up in bridal style and closed the door of his bathroom. 


She walked swiftly with her all black clothes inside the building before she covered her face with the mask. 

Her wedding ring shining under the night light as she opened the closet of her husbands office with the key she was able to get it from his pants. 

"Finally.." She exclaimed before picking up the files she needed. Placing her phone on the desk she opened them to read inside them. 

'Secret deal between the Jeon's and Wang's.' 

The file read. 

"Who's there?" A familiar voice yelled from outside the office. She dropped the file out of nervousness. She quickly ducked down behind the table. It was able to block her small form. 

She could see the light shining inside the room as if someone just entered. 

"Who's here? Get out?" He spoke again as he approached the table. His steps were coming closer to the table when-

"Jungkook. what are you doing there? Mr Jeon wanted to see you." Jimin let out softly while brushing his hair back. Jungkook looked at his friend before turning to look at the table. He knew something was wrong but he still shrugged it off. 

Just when Jimin and Jungkook was out of the room. She sighed. 

"I should get out quickly now." Before she could leave her phone buzzed making her eyes to scan the phone. 

'Be careful next time. I won't be there all the time. Idiot.' 



I know this is boring. SOrry !!

Are you guys still alive? After that performance.I was literally holding my breath while watching the whole performance. I was so nervous. 

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