.Chapter one.

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Her soft white hands rubbed against her shoulder as she walked past the shops in a snowy day. Her nose turning red while her cheeks were getting even more paler colour. She sneezed when the cold wind hits her face. 

All she wanted now was to reach home and tell her mother to make her a big cup of hot chocolate which she loves a lot. "Hey Y/n! How are you?" A man with an apron around his waist came outside from his shop to greet the girl. And she nods while giving him a small smile.

Her hands coming up to talk to him in sign language which the man knew perfectly. 'I am fine thank you. How about you?' The man smiled before replying to her. 

"I am fine Y/n. See you again." The girl nods before resuming her walk towards her house or should I say mansion.

Y/n was not any normal girl. She pretended to be to the world but in reality she was a girl who everyone should fear from. If anyone used to touch the girl even just a little they would be killed right on the spot. Just like all the 18 guys have been. 

"I am home." she informed when she entered the big mansion her body now feeling a bit warmer than before. She dusted off the snow from her shoulder. 

Just when she walked further more, her steps stopped. Seeing her father and brother standing there with their non happy face she kind of got the idea. That there was something wrong. 

"Oh you are here. Y/n, come here darling." Mrs lee spoke while running to her daughter. Y/n gave a soft smile before her mother held her hands. Leading her to the parents. "Y/n." The father finally spoke, his voice was low. He opened his arms making the girl to go run into him. 

'What happened appa?' she asked with her sign language. Mr lee smiled at her daughter before he took her in front of her grandfather's photo. "Y/n. Love I know you are my bravest girl and never say no to me. right?" The girl nodded before she moved away and stood in front of her father. 

"Y/n, What I am trying to say is that-That your grandfather did a mistake."

She was confused her eye brows raised in confusion. "He- He made a deal with the South Korea's gang." Hearing that heart beat increased. The dangerous

'huh? what deal.' Her hands moving fast which showed how desperate she was to get his answer. "He made a deal that said that my first daughter and Jeon's first will marry each other when they are in there 18's." Y/n was taken aback. What was her father saying?

Mr lee shook his head when the girl cried. Her golden tears running down touching her cheeks. What does he mean by that? she thought. She is just 17 for god sake. 

Her eyes were shaking while she looked down. "We have no choice love. Nothing is in my hand. We are going tomorrow to fix your engagement date. " Y/n choked on her tears. She looked at her mother and brother who didn't even say anything. They were just quiet the whole time. 

She shakes her head as No before running upstairs to her room. 



Meanwhile in South Korea. 

His hands were covered with blood as he stood in front of the dead body. His eyes showing no emotion.The young man than raised his hand upwards. With no other words a towel was placed on his hand. He wiped his hands before washing them.

"Throw these dead bodies out and clean the whole place." His cold voice rang inside the empty warehouse making all the men to nod.

"Yes young master." The man known as Park Jimin spoke before bowing. He was known to be his loyal right side.

Which is why Jeon Jungkook trusted him to death.

Walking outside with his white shirt drenched in sweat. He looked hot and sexy. 

He stood in front of the car and was about to open it, when he heard someone coming from behind. He quickly turned to witness that it was his friend Park Jimin.

"What is it?"

The other small boy breathed hard before he placed his hand on his chest.

"I-I  forgot that your father asked for you. And maybe it's important." Jungkook nods his head. No emotion shown whatsoever.

He than turned around and entered his car.


"Appa?" My cold raspy voice echoes inside the mansion. After hearing my voice, all the maids ran out and bowed me. I waved his hand before I walked closer to the in charge one. 

"Where is Appa?" She looked scared as she looked down. Her hands shaking as she tried speaking. I smirked knowing how she was scared of me so much.

"H-He is upstairs. In his office young master."  I nod slowly before taking big steps. I had a gut feeling that something was wrong. He would never call me in like that. My father was someone who liked to give orders to me by telling others. He never in his life ever treated me like his own son. 

I was just one of his killer. Who he gave missions. 

"Come inside." He spoke. 

I placed a fake smile on my face before entering the place. There he was with bunch of files in front of him. His face looking stretchy telling his age. 

"You may sit." I looked around before sitting on a comfortable chair in front of him. "So straight to the point. You are getting married this coming week with Lee Y/n so get everything ready." 

"huh?" I was lost. His words just went past me. Marriage? Lee Y/n?

"Jungkook your grandfather has made a promise with the kkangpu gang in North Korea for peace and it was your and their daughter's marriage." This made me chuckle. I laughed like crazy with my head thrown back. 

I could see him getting pissed. 

"Why didn't you text me than. If there is no my choice than what am I doing here. Should have just told your assistant to text instead of wasting time to explain." My harsh words were hitting him since he looked at me with the eyes I always feared. 


"I am leaving. Nice talk." Saying that I got up before pushing the chair with my feet. 

'Fuck this Lee Y/n!!' 


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