.Chapter Nine.

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There was no one sound in the building expect for the screams. There were only two people inside that abandoned place. A man who was screaming in pain, asking for mercy and the person who was punching with no mercy. 

The man named Mino was pushed down on the ground as Jungkook kicked him in the stomach, earning a loud scream. The man had tears in his eyes as he looked at Jungkook with pleading eyes. All he wanted was to get away from here now. Nothing else.  

But it wasn't possible since Jungkook had something else for him. 

"What were you doing in my fathers office and Who hired you!!? Speak!!!" The man flinched at the cold loud voice. Mino's eyes were red from staying up all night. His face filled with marks. His body shaking, as he gulped the knot forming. 

"I-I can't tell you. Please understand me." He pleaded while joining his hands. Jungkook tsked at the helpless man. He rolled his eyes as he squatted down in front of him. 

"You tell me or you get your family killed with you. " The man had his eyes widened. Jungkook smirked before licking his lips. "I heard you have a son who is only 2 years old. I don't think you want to see them dead, Now do you ...?" 

The man shook his head in disagreement before he yelled in frustration. 

"I- please don't do anything to them. Please ." Jungkook raises his eye as if he is thinking before he spoke. "Ummm, Okay. Now go ahead." 

His hair were stained with dry blood. He sighed giving a hint of relief. "I-I was told by your -" 


Before he could complete his sentence. A bullet shot was heard inside the abandoned building. Jungkook's eyes were wide open in shock as he looked at the man who had the bullet right in the centre of his forehead. 

His dead body dropped on the floor as it started colouring the ground. 

Jungkook turned around only to see a faint shadow of someone behind the wall. He bit his lip while moving towards the wall. The more closer he got the more he tightened his fist. 

When he was near the wall he fastened his walk. In few second  jungkook stood in front of the wall. His eyes were wide after seeing he person.. 

"Y/n?" He spoke softly as he calmed down. Seeing your shaking form his heart softened. He walked closer to you as he tried holding your hand but you moved away from him. Making him confuse. 

"What are you doing here Y/n?" He asked you but all you did was wipe your tears which were rolling down from your eyes. Your hands moving fast trying to speak to him as he bit his bottom lip in guilt. 

'If this is Y/n than where is that someone who shot Mino in the head. Who was it?' Jungkook kept thinking while eyeing your small figure. 

Shaking his head he walked closer to you. This time he harshly pulled you towards him and hugged you tightly. His hands on your waist as he placed his head on the crook of your neck. His hot breath brushing on your neck.

Change of POV

Meanwhile Y/n rolled her eyes as he hugged her. She knew he was just pitying her since she is 'mute'. 

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