.Chapter Two.

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Didn't check for mistake. But here it is. Hope you guys like it. 


I knew this day will come when my parents would set me into a marriage but never thought that it would this soon. 

Well even though I hated the idea of marrying this Jeon Jungkook, I still managed to say yes for my parents sake and also because of my brother. Lee min ho. I can still remember what he said to me when he came to my room. 

"Why can't you think of someone else for once? You are always thinking yourself as an innocent girl who is mute but have you ever thought what me and appa goes through to keep you safe. He loves you more than me. He treasures you like an expensive  belonging. Just please for once return those favours to appa. pLease." He pleaded to me. Even though his words were ripping my heart apart. I still managed to smile and nod to him. He was older than me. I guess he can speak like that to me. right?

Well that's why now here I was. On my way to South Korea. To see my beloved soon to be husband. I didn't know how he looked. Will he be happy to see me or is he going to be one of those killers. 

If he is than I can't say anything since my father is also one of them. BUt i wanted someone who wasn't involved with killing or drug deals. I just hope he is not cold hearted. 


"Cold hearted? and me?" Jungkook scoffed at his friend before chugging another glass of wine. He was currently with Park Jimin enjoying his defeat with his father. His father who never thinks of him as a son. 

Jungkook puts a painful smile before he licks his lips. The boy Jimin just stares at him with pity. He knew everything that was going on with his right now. And he felt sorry for him and angry for not helping him with anything. 

"Jungkook ah! please. Stop it." He tried to grab the glass but the muscular man was too strong. He shook his head while moving away from the seat. He was already drunk. 

"Jungkookie wants to sleep now." Jungkook said as he stumbled his way to the back of the club with Jimin following behind. The boy than stumbled upon one of the room and knocked hard. He waited until a girl with long golden brown hair opened the room. Her dark red lips tempting. 

He smirked before he threw himself to her. 

"Nuna!! Jungkookie wants you." The woman raised an eyebrow in confusion before she knew what he meant. Jimin shook his head in disappointment before leaving him there. He knew Jungkook was in safe hands now. 

I will pickk him up in the morning." Jimin spoke softly as he got a nod from the girl. He smiled and walked away from the girl. Meanwhile here was JUngkook laughing like a kid while dancing inside the room. The girl pushed her hair back before closing the door.

"Jungkook quiet down." The girl spoke with a dominant voice. Her hands around his wrist when she pushed him to the bed. Jungkook plopped down before pouting. His arms covering his chest as he threw tantrums like a preschooler.

"Nuna. Jungkookie just want to have fun." He spoke while his voice slurred. The girl sighed as she sat next to him.

How can she leave her best friend with worries. Pulling him close to her body, she hugged him as he snuggled in her chest. Her hands playing with his soft dark brown hair as she closed her eyes.

"Jungkook ah, when are you going to come to me when you are not drunk. Sometimes I feel used. Like you don't even touch me in any appropriate way." she sulked when she remembered how he treated her when he is sober.

Like a slut.

Little snores were being heard when she stopped talking. Letting out a little laugh at his cuteness she made him sleep on the mattress properly.

"Sweet dreams, Kookie." Who knew a born fighter, cold eyed person would be like this when he drinks. Well no one expect for Eunha and Jimin. 


Taking a long breath she admired the beauty of sunny Seoul. Finally she was here. The place which will change her and his life forever. 



How was it?

Please do tell me and also how was your day?

Also BTS and fiffa! I am squealing.

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