.Chapter Twenty Five.

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Sorry it's a long chapter. I hope you guys won't kill me. But you guys know that I love you right?



"I-I don't know what you are saying Jungkook?" Y/n spoke confused as she looked at the man all styled up.

"Weren't you going on a date? Why are you asking me to-" His index fingers touches her lips softly as he shushes her. His eyes gazing at her figure before he Kneeled down in front of her making her gasp.

"W-What are you doing Jungkook?" Her eyes were trying to capture every little detail of what was happening in front of her as the man only smiled lovingly. "I wanted to do this somewhere else. Like taking you with me to that place but since you are too stubborn guess I have to do it here." No one was inside that place.

"I-I don't under-" Jungkook shakes his head before taking something out from his pocket. The diamond ring shined under the night lights of the garden as both of them stared at each other with affection.

"Y/n, I know it's so random and sudden but just listen to me once. I have done a lot of things which were wrong and broke your trust and I will be happy even if today you will reject me. I will happily accept that and get out of your life. But still, please Y/n. If you can, please trust me once again and accept me in your life. Please... I-I" His eyes were sparkling with tears as he looked into her eyes with hope, love and regret.

"I love you Y/n. Only you and even if I try to forget about you. I don't think I can ever leave you. There isn't and will never come to take your place. So if you accept my heart than would you marry me Miss Park Y/n and start a new life where it's only you me and our baby."

This was it. She couldn't control anymore, her tears were now covering her cheeks as she placed her hand over her mouth. Y/n cursed herself for being to soft hearted and Jungkook for becoming someone so important in her life in such a short period of time.

"Jungkook." Her voice cracked before she softly touched his right cheek with her hand making him lean onto it.

"I-I don't know Jungkook."

There was a soft pang inside his chest as he took his bottom lip between his teeth. "I-I also love you Jungkook. Even though you broke my trust, I still can't win over this feeling. I am not that strong Jungkook. I d-don't know if what I am doing now is right or wrong but I want to listen to my heart.

Which only beats for you my love. Just you and you only. And yes.. I am ready to start my new life with you Jeon Jungkook and become your bride again..." Her eyes crystal clear as she placed her left hand in front of the latter.

Jungkook smiled like a cute bunny before quickly taking the ring out of the blue silky box. Seeing his action the girl giggled. Finally you were officially his.

There were no more secrets to be revealed. No more pain and only trust.

He leaned into her as he pulled her closer from her waist. Her eyes were shining under his gaze. Waiting for him to claim her as his.

And he did. It was a sweet kiss which they both longed for.


?? Pov

"So did the experiment went well." The people in white coat gulped nervously before they looked at each other with fear. "Yes, It went well sir."

I could hear them speaking. Even though my body was weak after being in coma for all those 12 or I don't know how many years it has been since I was sleeping. Not knowing what was happening around me.

I tried to open my eyes slightly. I wanted to see the world after so long. I was excited but at the same time nervous. I don't who is related to me and who is not. I had no idea.

Well how do you expect to know, after waking up years later.

"welcome to your new life." A man with pale skin spoke as his hands were tugged inside his jeans pocket. I tried getting up but my body didn't allow me to. Making me fall right on the bed.

"Don't. Just rest for a while. After all you woke up years later." The same man spoke again before smiling at my way. I smiled back at him. Feeling less nervous.

"I-I don't know where I am?" I looked around to see I was in an abandoned building which was equipped with hospital stuff.

"Oh yea. You are safe. We will talk later. Just rest for now. I was here because the doctors told me that you were awake." He spoke quickly before he turned around without waiting for my answer.

But his feet stopped as he turned around again. Facing me, he rubbed his head. "By the way. I am Min Yoongi."


Park Minjun growled at his bodyguard when he heard the news. " what!? She's with the Jeon." The guys nodded before handing the pictures that were taken the day before where Jungkook was taking you to the doctors.

"But she seems happy." The old man spoke as he sighed. His finger caressed the picture as he smiled to himself. "It's okay. Maybe she doesn't need me anymore. Maybe I found my children too late. I-I think I am wrong." His voice was breaking.

All he wanted was to have his children back in his house. Where they belong. He has been living alone, trying to find his kids but when he found her. It was too late.

When he wanted to abort the child that was because he thought Jungkook didn't loved her and it was all an arranged marriage. But later when he heard his daughters answer he was shocked. "From now on stop and let them be but if you see my daughter in trouble than I need you to send all the men their to make her safe. Alright."

The bodyguards were nodding their head as they listened to their boss. Bowing for the last time they all left the old man with all the memories he spent days ago with his daughter. He wanted to treasure those moments forever.

But he wanted to find his son Park Jimin and his second daughter Y/n. Who was a mute. Minjun needed to know if they were safe or not.


Later at Yoongi's Apartment.

"She's awake Namjoon and tell Mr Kim that she can speak. Just like how he wanted. Her surgery went well and she's not dead."

A long sigh was heard from the other side before Namjoon spoke.

"why are we even doing this hyung?" Yoongi scrunched up his nose before he rubbed the back of his neck. "Namjoon. It's not our fight. We are just working under the agency and getting paid. I don't care if it's useless or anything. As long as the cheque is coming home." Namjoon chuckled at the answer before he spoke again.

Some shuffling of files noises were heard.

"I don't get it though hyung. Why is this revenge fight so long. Why can't Mr KIm forget about it already."

"He will learn his lesson soon Namjoon because truth always wins. Let's just wait and see."



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