.Chapter Eighteen.

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He was standing in front of the window as his hands were tucked inside his pocket. Jungkook sipped on the wine in his hand. His heart was not giving any reaction when he felt someone sneaking their arm around his waist. 

The current he used to feel with Y/n was not felt. "Are you ready Mr Jeon." The girl spoke innocently while she pecked his back. 

Jungkook flinched at the touch. Pushing the girl away he placed his wine glass on the table beside him. "Don't touch me and you can't kiss me. I have paid to fuck you not to kiss you." He yelled at the girl who was confusingly standing there with her hands by her hips. 


"Only one person has the right to do that but I am going to use you. To forget her. This way I will forget about her." He swiftly spoke before walking towards her. His eyes roaming on her body as  he grabbed her hands. 

She bit her lip when Jungkook tied them and threw her on the bed. His hard body hovered her small ones. Licking his lip he took his pants off before kissing the girl's neck. 


Y/n was quiet all the time in the car. She suppose to be happy that she met her real father but she wasn't. He betrayed her just like everyone else did. Her eyes were tearing up as she looked outside the car window. 

Mr park Minjun was sitting in the front seat with the driver. "Are you okay princess?" Mr Park asked his daughter but heard no reply. He sighed as he looked behind to see her looking outside with no emotion. 

"Sir we are here."




Y/n was heart broken when she looked back at the man only to find him smirking. She sobbed as no words were coming out of her mouth. Making her speechless. 

"P-Please JUngkook. Don't do this to me." The man only smiled before he turned around. "I never liked you Y/n. It was only for revenge and I did it. I guess a payback." She scoffed at his words before she looked at her so called father. 

There were a lot of questions inside her head. Like why did he come now? How did he find her? Why Jungkook was acting like this?

"Is this seriously what you want!?" She finally yelled as she tried controlling her emotions. Jungkook said nothing as his back was still facing her. Her eyes were now looking down at the floor. 

"You know what jungkook. You were right. I deserve this. I deserve this all the hate because that's what I did to you but you should have at least not given me any hope. I am- I seriously loved you Jungkook. " She choked on her tears as Mr Park held her in his embrace. 

"Let's go home Y/n." The man softly spoke before guiding the weak girl with him. She wanted to stop him. She wanted to push her father away from her but she was too exhausted to that. Y/n had no option but to go with her father Mr Park Minjun. 

She was now outside of the Jeon's mansion. 'I thought I finally found you. I finally found my true self but thanks  Jungkook. For showing me my place.'

Her eyes took all the view in her eyes before she sat inside the car. 

'I'm not trusting anyone now. This whole lie of mine is a big lie.'


Park's mansion

3 weeks later

"Why is she fainting and vomiting a lot these week?" The old man asked in worry as the doctor was checking the girl. His body was shaking in fear of losing his precious daughter. He didn't wanted to loose her again. 

"She's really weak Mr par-" 

"What!? So what should I get her to make her health better." The father let out softly before taking small glance at Y/n who was sleeping with a pale face. 

"Mr park it's because she's pregnant and w-" The doctor was cut off again making the him rub his temple in frustration. 

"What!!!?" All the room was silenced while Mr park had his eyes widened. He couldn't believe his ears. Park Y/n was pregnant. 

The doctor stood up before he explained all the things to Minjun who just nodded his head. This is not what he planned. 

"How do I get rid of that thing inside her?" That question made the doctor to freeze. He coughed before he spoke again. "W-What did you just say Mr park?"

"I said How do I kill that thing inside her? We don't need it." Mr park minjun needed to get rid of the baby in order to proceed with his plan.

"I am afraid we can't take any action until the mother is awake and says from her own mouth that she wants to abolish the fetus." The man informed before he picked up his bag and left with his assistant. 

Mr park was standing there looking at his daughter in shock. His hands went inside his pocket as he took out his phone. 

"hello? uncle?" A young man's voice was heard getting Mr park's attention. The old man sighed before he walked outside the room. "Hey there Baekhyun. I wanted to ask if you are free tonight." The man who was described to be Baekhyun nodded before saying a small yes. 

"Oh good. I will see you today then and can you also come with Mr Byun? "




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