. Chapter Twenty one.

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The hall was filled with people. The voices of people chatting and the music was the only thing that could be heard. 

While here was the girl standing in the corner. Y/n was trying avoid his eyes. Her hands were clutching on her dress harder when she caught him biting his lip while eyeing her. She told herself a lot of  times to ignore him she couldn't.  It was as if her body had a mind of its own. 

She missed him. Even after telling herself that she didn't. She just couldn't let him slide from her mind like this. 

"Are you okay?" Suddenly a soft voice was heard from the side. She flinched before eyeing the man with a smile."Oh Baekhyun. Yea. I am fine." Y/n answered him with a short sentence. Not wanting to open a  conversation. 

"You want to talk to him. Right?" Baekhyun suddenly spoke while his hands were tucked inside his jacket's pocket. The hall had lights dimmed now which means she could barely see Baekhyun's face but she could feel from his voice that he was nervous. 

"I-I don't." The man scoffed as he sipped on his drink. He turned to look at the girl also known as his soon to wife. "Are you kidding me Y/n. You have been standing here the whole time staring at that man in front and you tell me that you don't want to talk to him." This time Y/n gasped as she looks down. 

'He noticed that she was eyeing him.' Y/n was ashamed of herself. Looking at a guy who threw her out of the house like trash while she was ignoring the man beside her. 

"I am sorry." She replied with her voice low. Baekhyun shook his head. "Don't be. Just try to forget him Y/n. You will be mine now. I am accepting his child not your love for him. Talk it out, if that will make you forget him." Hearing this made her stiff. 

Y/n's hands were shaking when she felt the other man staring her from the corner of her eyes. How can she forget the man who she trusted with all her heart. The only person she ever trusted after Jimin. 

She could feel the tension building between them so she tried to change the topic. 

"W-Why are you here?" Y/n asked Baekhyun, not bothering to care about the other man who was still eyeing her. The blond hair man tsked as he looked at his and your father. 

"Our father's like to play with our lives. That's it. He wanted me to be here so here I am." The girl could feel his pain and she hated that. Y/n was well aware of how it feel of being controlled. Even though Mr Park never controlled Y/n ever since she met him. But living a life of someone else is enough to know the pain. 

She slightly touched Baekhyun's hand before intervening it with her small ones. "Don't worry. Everything will be alright." 

Meanwhile from far away Jungkook  gritted his teeth when he saw you touching other man. He wanted to rip Baekhyun apart but his hands were chained. He didn't wanted to create a scene here so he turned his back towards you with his fist clenched. 

It was his fault. After all he was the one who let you go.  

The skinship between you and the other man was killing him. But little did he know that the event he came to attend was your and Baekhyun's engagement ceremony. 


"Can I everyone's attention please." The old man spoke in his mic as he stood on the stage with his dark brown suit. All the guests were quiet now and the music was turned off. Giving their all attention to Mr Byun. 

"So today, I have got you all gathered here because I want to share one of the important event in my son's life. My son, Byun Baekhyun has finally found someone he loves and today we wanted to reveal my son's choice with all you people with their engagement ceremony." 

Cheering sounds were filling the place as both Baekhyun  and Y/n had their head hung low. "Okay now I would like Byun Baekhyun and Park Y/n to come to the stage." Mr Byun spoke again. 

Since they were both standing at the back of the hall. No one could find them so they all looked around, trying to find the said people. Baekhyun was the first one to walk towards the stage. Before Y/n could walk after him. 

A manly strong hand was tightly gripped around the girl. She gasped at the sudden touch. She opened her mouth to speak but the man pulled her towards him. Her body crashed onto him.

They were now standing behind the wall which was separating the hall.  Her eyes were closed tightly as she could feel his breathing near her neck. It was sending shivers all around her body. 

"Y/n." He spoke with a painful voice. Y/n gripped his shirt harder when she got familiar with person. Tears unknowingly dropped down from her eyes. "W-What are you doing Jungkook?" She spoke trying to be strong in front of the man but fakeness was all visible. 

He scoffed as he placed his index finger under her chin. When her dark orbs met his, she hated herself. She didn't like the thoughts that were engulfing her mind. 

"You are mine Y/n. You are my bride and no one can take you like this. I won't let that happen." The yells from inside the hall were becoming mute to their ears. Jungkook smiled as he wiped her tears. 

He slowly leaned closer to her face making her close her eyes. Waiting for his soft pink lips to mark her ones. She totally forgot how it felt like to get kissed by him. She missed the electrifying feeling.



How was it? 

Sorry for the late update guys!! I am really sorry but please do tell me if you guys like this chapter or nah??!! hehehe 


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