.Chapter Twenty seven.

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Okay so this will be the second to last one since it's getting boring and shity. Sorry just these days my brain wasn't function really well!

Hope you guys would still continue to show your love! 


Y/n!!" He ran and hugged his daughter. His eyes closing in joy. The girl was shocked.

She was shocked with his.touch. Why did it seemed so comfortable and warm when it should be the opposite. Her eyes were narrowing as she stood their in confusing.

Just when her hand which held the knife was about to go up. Minchin pulled away.

He stated at his long lost daughter before kissing her forehead.

"I finally found you love." She looked down as she remembered what she came here to do.

"Oh and here." Minchin said as he took his locket off his neck. Making the girl wear it. She than opened it with one hand to find a picture of a family.

There was a man and women with three kids. One being a boy and the other two small babies in a hospital.

Tears were now visible in her eyes as she looked at her 'father again'.

"A-appa?" Mr park gasped as he looked shocked. "Y/n. You are speaking honey. You can talk!" The old man happily clapped before hugging the girl again.

Meanwhile she had a lot of thoughts in her head. 'Why did they lie that her whole family was dead and this man killed when he-'

She hissed in pain as she held her head. The knife was long gone and was on the floor while she tried to endure the pain..

Her head was ripping apart.

"Y/n!! What happened?" Minjun said worriedly. 

"Let's take you to the hospital."

Just when the two left the place. Namjoon and Yoongi came out from there hiding place. 

"So, she couldn't kill him after all. Good Just leave her and we will say she ran away..."


" Your baby is perfectly healthy Mrs Jeon. Just remember to keep taking the medicines on time." I nodded before getting up. Bowing for the last time, I came outside to find Jungkook still attending a phone call. 

"Jimin hyung just meet Jin hyung for once. He will tell you everything you need to find out." After few seconds he hung up. Turning around he spots me standing right behind him. "So how was it?" He smiled before his arm sneaked around my waist pulling me closer. 

"Nice. The doctor told me that the baby is healthy." Jungkook hummed before he leaned in closer to kiss my forehead. 

 "and it's better that way." 

I gave a smile before continuing walking towards the parking lot where our car was parked. Before we could turn around the corner. Someone bumped into my shoulder making me stumble a little. 

"Ahh." I winced due to the hard impact on my body before I felt jungkook behind me. His hands around my body. Making me feel secured. 

"I am sorry."  The girl spoke as she turned around. 

There was a pause. Our eyes met with each other. My orbs than travelled down to scan her whole face making me gasp in shock. Her eyes were also widened as she also looked my way with the same confusion. 

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