.Chapter Seventeen.

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Didn't proof read!!


"Are we ready?" The old man spoke with an commanding voice getting a nod from one of the men. "Yes sir, We have got her details." Mr park than looked down to the left drawer where he kept the picture. 

His eyes filled with tears as he tried to control them. Not wanting to show his weak self to his men. "I- What about my son?" The men standing there with their hands at the back looked down. "We couldn't find anything about. It looks like as if he doesn't even exi-" 

"Shut your bloody mouth. Leave and find him in no circumstances." 

"Yes sir!" They all spoke at the same time before walking out of the door. Mr park looks down to the photo of the girl he was provided with. His hands caressing it as he smiled.

"Appa is coming to get you out of the hell my lovely daughter." 


I know this is bad and risky but i am happy to take this risk for this one person whom I have come to love and trust. I hope that he doesn't leave me in the middle like all the other people did. Like my parents did.

I said yes to him because I want to experience something which I have never experienced before. These thoughts were flooding my head as I snuggled more closer into his chest. My hands tightly wrapped around his waist while he was also doing the same. 

A deep sigh left from my mouth when I saw his chest rising and falling down making me feel somehow relaxed. I looked up only to find his eyes wide open as he was staring at me with a smirk. 

I shyly looked down, feeling embarrassed. With his index finger under my chin, he made me look into his dark brown eyes. "I love you." He spoke calmly as if it was something so usual while I was here melting from his morning voice. Biting my lip, I opened my mouth to reply but before I could, a knock was heard on his door making him groan. 

I chuckled as I moved away from him. Letting him get up to see who the person was. 

Jungkook walked towards the door shirtless with his bed hair. I shook my head thinking how cute he looks. Who would have imagined a gangster's son like this cutie pie. I was smiling to myself when I heard his voice again. 


"Master Jeon. Someone is here to see you." Jungkook raised his eyebrow before he looks at you over his shoulder. "I can't see anyone today. I am busy." Jungkook was about to close the door when the man stopped him again.  Informing the important bit . 

"He said his name is MR PARK." This caught his attention. He sighed in annoyance while he spoke. "I will come." Y/n was now standing up from the bed. She walked closer to her husband. 

He smiled before his big hands cupped her small cheek. It was weird since she could feel something bad was about to happen. 

Leaning closer to his wife he kissed her head. His orbs were full with confusion and hope meanwhile she was clueless to what was happening. He chuckled at her cuteness before speaking. 

"I will be back soon. Just need to go to a meeting and than--" He trailed his words as he pulled her closer to himself via her waist. Making her scream a little. "And than what Mr jeon?" She teased him when she pressed her body into his. "We w-"

He was interrupted as the door was knocked again. 


"He's back." Namjoon spoke on the phone while the other line went silent. 


"Mr Park Minjun." The man on the other side gasped in shock. His hands covering his mouth while he messed his hair. "H-How? I thought we-"

"Yes. But i guess it was only his wife. He survived. I am scared for you Mr Kim. The next thing he will be doing is coming for you and keeping in mind that Y/n also resigned from this job. It feels like he's behind this." It was so quiet. No voices were being heard from the other line. Not even a single sound. Making Namjoon pull the phone away to see if he has hung up on him. 

But seeing him still on. He furrowed his eyebrow. 

"H-How? Wh-When?" Mr kim stutter making Namjoon chuckle. "It was yesterday after the party. The only thing I received was a text message and even Jimin doesn't know about her too." 

Mr kim laughed. His eyes were closed as he bit the skin on his lip with anger. "That bitch. We fed her for years and this is what she gives us back. A fucking slut." Hearing that Namjoon clears his throat. 

"I guess using those words will never solve the matter. What are we going to do now. He will basically come at us. Since now he has a name in business industry." 

Mr Kim rubbed his head in pain. Before something comes in his mind. "Don't worry Namjoon. I have got a plan. I need you to tell park Jimin everything about his past. But not all the truth. I want you to say this-"


"So. Are we doing this deal. Mr Jeon Jungkook." 

The old man said as he held his hand up for a handshake. Jungkook had his eyes filled with tear while he was tightly holding his coat. He never knew it will be this early. He did plan this out but not like this. He wasn't sure of himself now.  

Jungkook shook his feelings away as he thought of the time when you left him feeling like shit. He smirked in pain. Thinking of your face in front of him with tears. 

"Yes." The rusty voice was filled the office room. Mr park took his hand back as Jungkook ignored it. The boy wasn't even sure himself if this is what he wanted. If this is better thing to do. Was it real love that you both shared last night or fake. He wasn't sure but he had no time.  He needed to think quickly. 

He needed to free up his father from jail and he needed this man's help also known as Park Y/n's real father. 

"Thanks Jeon. Now please sign the divorce paper so I can take my daughter away." Jungkook was brought back into the reality when he heard your father's voice. He instantly nodded. Getting the pen in his hand he placed the nib on the paper.

'Just this one sign will separate us forever Y/n. Forever. You will never be able to call yourself my bride again.' 

"What are you doing please sign it." Mr Park Minjun spoke coldly. Jungkook again tried putting of his feelings to the side while signing the paper with his eyes closed. He didn't needed you. He is sure he will be just fine. 




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