.Chapter Sixteen.

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Sorry guys it was chaeyoung weds Taehyung not Eunha. I just realised that I wrote the wrong name. 



Y/n stumbled upon her words when she saw him standing there with his face showing nothing but anger. Jungkook ignored her words before he grabbed the man by his collar. His eyes boring into him, already killing him with his gaze. 

"J-Jeon Jungkook?" The other man had his eyes wide open when he realised who the person in front was. His poor heart started hitting hard against his chest telling him to get the fuck out before he gets eaten alive. 

Jungkook did nothing but smirked before clutching hard on his collar. "Yes. J-Jeon Jungkook." He mimicked his words, teasing him. 

The other man looked behind him to find his mate already ran away. "I-I am sorry. Please leave me. I swear I won't do anything like this anymore." Jungkook tsked at his words before landing a hard punch on his face making him fell on the floor hard. 

The man had fear showing inside his eyes when he got up and ran for his life. 

It was silent for a while as Jungkook shook his head. For a second he totally forgot about the girl that was standing behind him right now. 

His eyes closed when he gulped the knot inside his throat. He never thought about facing you. Jungkook turned around to face her. Meanwhile Y/n was somehow happy to see him here. 

It felt as if a part of her went missing. The girl liked it when her heart gets on edge of bursting. She liked this suffering feeling.

"We meet again Mrs Jeon Y/n." The world stopped when he called her as Jeon. His eyes not leaving hers while she also eyed every inch of his body.

He smirked before walking close to her. She didn't know what to say, he was controlling her.

"You are not going to talk to me?" He asked again making the girl to nervously move her eyes. His hands traced her arms before it stopped on her bare shoulder.

"Jungkook. Thanks. I-I don't know what to say." He chuckled at her behaviour. Finding her cute. 

"Why would you thank your husband. Huh?"  Her bottom lip was nearly bleeding as she bit them with full power. Her breathing was uneven when he leaned closer to her. The close proximity was killing both of them. 

"J-Jungkook." She whispered lowly making his hum in response as his eyes were not leaving her lips. "I-I have to ask you something." 

"what is it?" He spoke ever so sexily while tracing her chin with his index  finger. She gulped before touching his hand and pushing it away. She had to do it now or it's never. 

"Do you love me?" The words were enough to make the man to widen his eyes. Seriousness filled the room while both of them stared into each other eyes. 

For a while it was all quiet. Nothing was heard other than the music outside. It got broken when Jungkook scoffed. He scratched his eyebrow in annoyance.

"Y/n how many time? How many time do I have to  say I love you for you to believe me." His eyes boring into hers while she stood their like a statue. 

"I Love you Y/n. I-I never felt like this with anyone else before except for you. I used to be a cold hatred guy but it all changed when you came into my life. In just few days you changed me Y/n. You made  me feel loved even though it was all fake love." Now his manly hands cupped her soft ones. She didn't know when she started crying but it all came into her senses when he wiped them with his thumb. 

"I-I don't know Jungkook. I am confused. I don't even know myself. I don't even know if this is my real identity. I am no one Jungkook and I think it's better if we -" Before she could finish her sentence his lips captured hers. 

She choked while turning her face to the side to deepen the kiss. Her hands messing his brown hair at the back while their tears mixed with each other. 

His tongue traced her bottom lip before entering inside. They were both lost into their world. 


?? Pov

The old man sighed as he looked at the picture of his family. It displayed perfectly his beautiful laughing wife with his children.

His tears dripped down falling on the photo frame. There were no words that came out of his mouth. He could only let out groans whenever he would see the face of his kids and wife.

He missed them to death. But he didn't know if he can ever have them back.

"I miss you... Park Yesul." He spoke while kissing his wife's name. He scoffed when his eyes look at his 8 year old son and newly born twin daughter.

"I am such a bad father. Right?" He paused when he looked up to the ceiling. His never ending tears not even thinking of stopping at any time.

Mr park sighed before he spoke again."I d-don't know what you are both doing out there in the world but I miss both of you to death and I- I will make sure to find you soon. I promise."

He hit his chest while trying to sort the knot inside his throat.


They pulled away from the intimate kiss. Their chest heavily moving as they both looked into each other eyes.

He smiled when she shyly looked down from his burning gaze.

"Why are you shy? Wifey.." he teased making her hit him on the shoulder playfully.

"I-I really want to thank you Jungkook. Even after knowing that I stab-" he placed his index finger on her lips. Shushing her while he sneaked his hands around her small waist.

"I don't care. All I wanted was your love and I am happy to forget those bad memories just to get that love from you." She couldn't handle this. He was too nice. She didn't deserve him. No one deserves a guy like him, y/n was scared. Scared that of she agrees to be with him than she might.

Repeat the history.




I hope you guys like this. I know I updated after so long but had some work I had to complete in uni.

Your gurl is becoming a Registered Nurse !!!!!!! Congratulate me!!!😂😝

Bieeeeeeeeeee 🐇💦

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