.Chapter Six.

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Not so soon babies. It won't happen any time soon. (Reference to the last chapter) 

Also didn't double check. Tell me if there are any mistake. 


Tears rolled down her eyes as she was siting on the corner. Remembering all the scenes from before. Her heart was beating loudly as she tried covering her naked shoulders. Her dress was ripped by him. Making it even more harder for her to cover it. 

She sighed as she thanked god for making someone knock on the door just on time. Y/n was worried now. She didn't know what to do now? 

She will be living her whole life with the a person who is heartless. But she had no choice but to marry and stick with him for her whole life. 

"Y/n love. Are you in there?" A motherly voice spoke from the other side from the door. Y/n quickly shot up and walked towards her closet. Opening it, she took a t-shirt and wore it. Making it cover her ripped dress. 

The shirt was just right to hide her dress underneath. 

Y/n opened the door just to see her mother. This made her tear up. Before Mrs Lee could say anything Y/n was in her arms. Hugging her like no tomorrow. This only made the old lady to frown since she knew why the girl was like this. 

"Is it your mother in law?" Y/n shook her head. How can she tell her that it's her chosen mate. That she now hates to life. 

"Let's sit and talk." The girl quickly let go of her mother before moving away to let her in. Once Mrs Lee was inside, Y/n closed the door and took her to her bed. Siting down while facing each other, they had a silent moment until the daughter spoke. 

'어머니 (emeoni), I don't want this. he's not good for me. He tried to rape me.' she explained.  The mother just looks down as she takes her daughters hand. She wanted to hide her tears so that she can make her daughter feel stronger. 

"Y/n, love listen. I can't say anything. Even I was arranged marriage with your father. My father was just a normal worker in a company but when your father saw me. I guess he fall head over heels over me." Y/n listened to her mother's story which she never spoke about.

"He liked me and didn't even care about if I liked him back or not just asked for my hand." Y/n tightened her grip on her mother's hand as she bit her lip in process. The mother wiped her tears with the other hand before pulling Y/n close to her body. 

"My poor daughter. I am really sorry I gave you birth like this. I am sorry." Y/n shook her head as her arms were around her mother's waist. Not wanting to let go ever in her life. but she have to let go of her family. 

Tomorrow there will be a new beginning. For her and For him. 


Maids were running inside the bride's room. Some were fixing her hair while the other were finding her heels and best jewelry. Meanwhile the girl was just siting there emotionless. Her eyes fixed to the mirror in front. 

She eyed her lips which he kissed. She never imagined her first kiss to be like this. Sure enough just like any other girls she had a dream to kiss a boy under the moon. But it never goes the same way as you always want to. 

"It's done Young miss. Please see if it's okay." The maid spoke softly making Y/n moved her gaze to the girl as she nodded. The maids bowed before walking away. 

Just when they left someone else entered the room. Y/n stood up. She didn't know who he was and why he came inside. 

'Maybe his friend.' She thought before bowing to the man. The young man just smirked as he walked inside the room. Closing the room behind him he walked closer to the girl. Y/n had her eyes raised in confusion as she eyed the man. 

Y/n took her phone as she wrote something on it and showed it to the man. 

He chuckled before walking more closer. "Don't you remember me. I am your love. Your Taehyung. How can you forget about me Y/n."  He spoke before pushing her small figure to the wall. His hands were resting on her hips. Y/n brought her hands on his chest as she tried pushing him away. But he didn't flinch. 

"Ohhh the same smell like before." His raspy voice was whispered inside her ear, making her feel disgusted. Y/n grew confuse as she tried registering the name. Just than her eyes widened. 

The son of Nochu's gang. 

She placed her full force and pushed him away from her. Her eyes were shaking in fear as she tried covering herself from his lusty eyes. 

She wanted to scream and yell but she couldn't. 

Taehyung pinned her to the wall again before he went for her lips. Sucking onto her soft ones, he closed his eyes in pleasure. She cried while her hands were trying to get away from his hold. But she was helpless. 

Nothing was working. Just than he pulled away and breathed loudly. "ahhh. Just like how I imagined." He spoke before he touched her cheek. She flinched as her gaze was shooting fire. She held onto his collar before changing position. And now he was pinned to the wall.

His eyes widened at the action. 

Wiping her tears she pressed the device on her ear closer before placing the knife on Tae's neck. He was shocked to where she got this much strength from. Y/n smirked as she opened her mouth. 

"Everything going as planned. Why did you come here to ruin it. 

Sir.." She spoke the last words in a teasing voice making him roll his eyes. He pushed her away before siting on the bed. 

There was a moment of silent as the only sound of wind filling empty space. Not so long after, the room was filled with their chuckled. They both laughed together. 

After sometime they recovered and sighed. "Nice acting Y/n." 


Okay so I know a lot of you are confused and all but let me tell you there are more surprises to come.

In this Y/n is not your innocent girl. So guys get ready to get your wigs snatched from me. 


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