.Chapter Fifteen.

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Congrats A.R.M.Y and me on getting BTS to TOP 10 HOT 100. Let's stream even more like listen to the songs while reading this chapter. hehehe


Jungkook was shocked by the sudden appearance of this girl. His mind was frozen when he thought about the trouble he will go again and he was not in the state to deal with it. Harshly turning around, he looks at the girl. Who had her glasses on while her hair were nicely done. "What are you doing here Chaeyoung?" He almost yelled making the girl to pout showing that it hurts. 

"Aish!!! Is this what you ask your cousin after meeting her 4 years later. huh!"  Jungkook frowned at that making a disgusted face. "Ahhh! I am already stressed just tell me why are you here?" The girl scoffs at his cousin brothers rude behaviour. She gives him a cold stare which he simply ignores and walks away to his desk. He tries to make himself busy with all the files  to forget about the scene few minutes ago.  

"I am here to give my wedding card. You jerk!" She yelled at him but he nods making her even more angry. As he showed no interest.  "Good to know you are finally going to leave this family. So who's the unlucky guy?" Chaeyoung had it enough she throws the card on the desk before dashing out. 

Her face red with anger as she blows her hair. Mumbling some words she closed the door of his office with a loud bang.

"Fucking retard." 


The sun was finally out. Even though she didn't sleep all night her eyes were still open as if she was wide awake. All she wanted was to get rid of this pain inside her chest. 

"Why my life is like this?" She choked as tears slowly made their way down to her rosy cheeks. She quickly wiped it before keep looking outside the window. The sunset was warming her room a bit but not her heart. It was cold and lost. 

Her hands were around her knees as she pulled it closer to her chest before resting her head. Why does it hurt so much? It shouldn't because that's what she wanted right?

"Y/n?" Someone barged into her room. The girl turned to see Park Jimin standing there with a file. She sighed when it hits her that the life she choose there is no such thing as rest. How did she even think she could have a rest. 

"Are you okay now?" Jimin asks while walking closer to her. She sits properly on her bed making space for him to sit. When he was in front of her. He gives his eyes smile. "It will be fine. I promise I will talk to Nam-"

"You don't have to Jimin. I am okay, if my parents did not care about me when giving me to these people than why should you." Jimin scoffs at those words before handing her the file. 

"You know y/n sometimes it's better to lean on someone because it makes the situation less bad." He spoke as his eyes were not leaving the girl even for a second. She shakes her head, denying his words. 

"No if you lean on someone. You will be only burden for them and I don't want to be that. I am fine. I-" Her words were cut off when her eyes lands on the file in her hands. She reads further as her hands started shaking. 

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