.Chapter Eight.

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Wedding night

The moment Jungkook entered his room. His breathing stopped. It was as if all the world around him was paused. Seeing his wife in only towel and wet hair made him feel weird.

His eyes instantly scanned her whole body as they stopped on her milky white exposed shoulder as she was looking though the closet trying to find her clothes.

Jungkook without making any noise, just closed the door behind him as he walked towards her.

Meanwhile Y/n smirked as she saw his reflection on the window mirror beside the closet. But she ignored him and continued looking for her clothes.

Jungkook doesn't matter to her at all.

"Y-Y/n. " He softly called her name before she turned around to face him.

Jungkooks eyes were traveling down from her eyes and when they stopped on her little cleveage, the girl gasped.

Her hands instantly went up to cover her clothed chest and her bare shoulders. But it was all making him even more needy.

He leaned in closer to her body as he sniffed the scent of her shampoo before pulling away.

His eyes said nothing but lust as he opened his mouth. "Don't walk around like this... You are not going to be the only one living here now." He spoke calmly as he was still closer to her body. His hands holding her waist as he continued to stare into her eyes.

He could feel the pain and mystery in them. Even though he didn't wanted to have anything to do with her but still something was attracting him to her. She was like a magnet and he was a piece of metal.

Biting his bottom lip in seductive manner, he walked backwards. His eyes not leaving her slim body at all as he made his way to the bathroom.

Giving her one last look he closed the bathroom door.

Y/n confusingly stood there. Her heart was rising just like last night when he touched her.

It never happened with Tae or any other man though. She thought before picking an extra large white shirt and pajama to wear for the night.


Both laid down on the bed silently as they turned their backs to each other. Y/n could feel him moving around on the bed.

And it was annoying her. She bit her lip while closing her eyes tightly. Praying sleep to come.

Just when her eyelids closed off, she felt his hands on her waist. They were sliding down towards her lower abdomen.

Her bottom lip was now bleeding a little due to the pressure of her sharp teeth.

Her eyes shut close as she pretend to sleep.

"Y/n?" He spoke as he scooted closer to her body. His bare chest touching her clothed back.

Hearing no reply from his wife. He placed his head on top of hers.

He kissed her head before falling sleep.


Even jungkook himself didn't know why he was feeling like this. The feeling to achieve her. The feeling to make her feel safe. Maybe it was her muteness or maybe it was the first time he ever got this close to the girl.

Or even kissed a girl. His heart was playing tricks with him. But what he didn't know was the person who had his heart was also playing with him.


10AM= Somewhere in Russia

There he was. Sitting on his chair looking so dashing. He looked through the files.

His serious face causing his chin to rise  up. His eyes squinting while he tried to focus.


A knock on the door was heard making him look up. He sighed before rubbing his temple.

"Come in!"

Just than a beautiful women walked inside. She eyed the man who looked frustrated. The girl knew she came at the wrong time.

"Umm, Namjoon Sir, I have Information on how Y/n is doing." The girl spoke softly not wanting to get scolded.

Just hearing your name he looked up.

His eyes changing in a split second before he placed everything on his desk.

"Continue." She sighed after hearing his reply.

"Yea, and agent Taehyung said the marriage was a success. She entered the jeon mansion and Taehyung has also given her all the instructions to what to do next." The man nods his head and says nothing.

"Tell Tae. I need the Wang Jackson Info soon. He's making a lot of mess. And I can't wait for Christmas." His cold voice made her shiver bowing last time.

Just than her badge drops on the floor.


Namjoon growled in anger making her pick up the badge and leave as soon as possible with a small sorry.




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