.Chapter Five.

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Tell me if this going fast.


Y/n pov

Tomorrow is my birthday and instead of being happy I was here with his mother deciding which dress to choose for my wedding. My hands were clutched together. She wasn't even listening to what I wanted and chose everything by herself.

I was just here for show. My mother was seeing this all but said nothing.

I sighed before nodding to whatever Mrs Jeon was saying. 

"Jungkook loves red. You can wear that in the night party. Okay?" Mentally I cursed myself for even rejecting my brother's offer of going outside since now I was stuck with a lady who spoke a lot and a lady who spoke nothing(my mother). 

"Jungkook will love this on you." She said as she picked up the shoes and waved it in front of me. I groaned. 'jungkook this. Jungkook that. There was no me.

Nobody cared about what I wanted. I guess I wasn't that important. But one question always comes inside my head is that why in every love story the girl has to sacrifice. Why not the boy.

Why he can't wear what I like. Why he is not looking at what he's going to wear.

But the main question was where is he?


"Oh Jungkook ah! Here you are. Come here." The man with a boxy smiled cheered as he mentioned the boy to come over. Jungkook rolled his eyes annoyed at his childish behaviour. He was older than Jungkook but he acted like a maknae.

Is he even the son of the Nochu gang's leader.

Jungkook had these thoughts as he was making his way to the boy.

"What is it now?"

The other man only chuckled before opening his mouth.

"I want to see your wife." Jungkook's eyes widened at that. His mouth left wide open as he tried to process what he said.

"W-why? You don't even know her." Taehyung grinned before standing up from the couch. His black coat still on his body as he took off his scarf.

"Oh boy. I know her more than she knows herself. I -" Jungkook scoffed cutting his words.

He looked down to the ground as your innocent face came in the view. 'and I thought she was innocent. Different than other girls.'

"It's good to know you are familiar with my soon to be wife. I guess you can meet her on the wedding day." Jungkook spoke his voice showing anger. As he clutched his fist tight.

Even himself didn't know why he was acting like this. Y/n only met him today and she already had this effect on him.

"Aww~~ is little kookie sad?" Taehyung mocked making Jungkook even more angry his veins were popping from his neck as he clutched his jaw. "Just attend the wedding and leave." The atmosphere was becoming gloomy. Both were looking into each other's fire eyes. 

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