.Chapter Twenty Eight.

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There were a lot of ups and downs in this story but hope you still enjoyed it. Just not that confident yet with my writing but will come over that if you guys help me.

No one is perfect... Let's face that. Lol


Where ever there is darkness. There will be light too. It will shine and take away all the darkness when it's time. What all started with a small revenge and a peace treaty ended up with a love story. 

She became that killer's bride behind a lot of reasons. Whether it was to become the knot of two gangs to become one or to work for the agency. 

Whatever it was, all the reasons brought them together while other secrets reopened like an old file.
(wow... For the first time I like this...)

Just like how light takes over the darkness. Mr Kim's evil things and sins he did were revealed to the world. Well not really revealed by itself but Namjoon and Yoongi helped a little with that. 

But they had no regrets because they knew they did the right thing for the first time. 


5 months later

"OMG! Y/n just breath!" Jungkook yelled making you even more angry than before. Your hand slapped his  before you gave him a glare. 

"I am the one sleeping here in this hospital bed. Not you. That's why you don't know the pain!!!"  The girl yelled back at her husband making him jip his mouth. 

Just then the doctor arrived inside the room with nurses. "Okay so Mrs Jeon. Just breath."

"I swear, if someone says that again. I might loose control!" The girl yelled again as the contraction in her lower region was increasing. The doctor awkwardly looked at Jungkook who only looked down at his wife. 

The female doctor coughed before she walked and went down (sounds so wrong).

"Okay so just few more seconds and than I want you to push." The female doctor wore her gloves before she started the process. 

"You can hold her hand. It will help her." The doctor informed the young man who was shaking.

Jungkook quickly wasted no time and held her hand in his. Her breathing was abnormal and she looked so much in pain.

It's not that easy to give birth.

"Now on three. I want you to push. Okay?!

One, two and three." The girl pushed with all her might as her grip on her husband's hand also tightened.

"Jungkook!!! I'm going to kill you!!" She yelled for the ninth time now. Jungkook only smiled since he knew she wasn't thinking straight.

"It's okay y/n.. we can do that later. Just focus baby."


The cry of a baby filled the room. Her body was covered with sweat as she closed her eyes.

The small cries were enough to take away all the pain she was getting for these few hours.

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