.Chapter Twenty Three.

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I know my book is getting boring. I am sorry~~~😭😭💨


Seeing your frozen frame. Jimin sighed. He knew you would react like this since that's how he reacted when he found out about it from Namjoon.

He lost some of his memories during that accident but when a newly born baby was brought in front of him that time. He engulfed in his embrace.

"I know. Even I was shocked and apparently, Mr Park who told himself to be our father. Namjoon told me that he was the one who sold our sister to the Lee's. He wanted money and he's doing this again y/n. And I can't loose you, my only family."  Just than your tears were threatening to come. (This is a lie that Namjoon told..)

So the girl who was dead. The girl you replaced was actually your twin sister. You married whom your twin sister was going to get married to.

Your pale hand was now on your mouth as your breath hitched. This was hard to get. How can life be such a bitch.

How can people play with you and your siblings life like that. Now all you wanted was to live happily.

"Jimin oppa. W- we don't care about them now. I don't want anything to do with them. Can't we just runaway from here and live a peaceful life." The man in front shrugged as he walked a little more closer to you.

Wiping your tears he pats your head. "It's not easy as it looks like lil sis. We have to take revenge. We have to show them how it feels like to get controlled by someone. And that also includes the nochu's agency."

Meanwhile Jungkook stood there listening to your and Jimin's conversation. He was amazed and confused to what was going on. But at the same time he didn't care because as long as you were their in front of him. He would be fine.

"And you Jungkook." Suddenly Jimin's voice was heard. The man got startled as he looked around.

"Huh!?" Jimim shook his head at the boy before speaking. "I need to have a word with you."


Mr Lee and Mr Jeon didn't care about anything that was going around them.

Since after finding out that y/n was an agent. They got more scared. It was weird how Mr Lee never found out about it in all these years.

And now the results for that was, they couldn't do any black business. All they could do was run their own companies with honesty.

And that's what they were doing now. Guess some work did pay off.

Kim's Mansion

His fingers were roaming all over her slim body as he pinned her to the bed. She was biting her lip sexily making him get even more hard.

The young man smirked as he leaned in closer to the girl. His lips touched her neck as he sucked in the white soft flesh.

The girl was a moaning mess. All she could do was moan to pleasure him as this is what her parents have told her to.

Meanwhile the guy moved up and now looked into her eyes which were saying nothing but pain.

"I want you so much." Taehyung growled as he placed his shaft in front of her entrance making her wince.

Without any warning he was inside her. Ripping everything apart. Her nails dig deep into his skin as he thrusts into her.

"You are so pretty y/n." Those were the words he was whispering in her ear making her regret her life even more.

This wasn't what she wanted. She wanted love. Pure love not this.

Even though her voice was nearly muted under his growls she still managed to say something.

"I am chaeyoung not y/n.."

Jungkook's condo

"I am sorry." Jimin spoke making the younger man to drop his ego. Jungkook was going to lecture Jimin how he betrayed him but now seeing him looking this weak made Jungkook almost give up.

"I know I did wrong. I know I broke your trust but it was all because I wanted to save someone who was so close to me and that's Y/n. She is my only family Jungkook. I want to protect her from every bad things." Jungkook nods before giving Jimim some tissues.

The latter takes it and wipes his tears.

"Please, please just never let go of her Jungkook. I know I might be selfish but she doesn't have anyone to lean on. Even though she has me but she never opens up with me. I know that it's not the same with you. Because I have seen the love in her eyes for you Jungkook." Jimin Keeps on talking while Jungkook was listening to everything thing the guy had to say.

"Hyung. I love her but I messed up. I did something which broke her trust. And s-she's pregnant with my baby hyung." Jungkook spoke shyly as he looked down on his hands. Trying to act cool.

Jimin almost lost it. Pregnant!? And how come he wasn't informed about it.

"Aish!!!" The man yelped as he pushed his hair back. The room was now filled with awkwardness.

After recovering from this big news Jimin cleared his throat.

"It's okay. I will help you get her back but in return you have to help me get that Nochu agency and Mr park." Jungkook had a big smile on his face after hearing that.

But than he frowned. "Why the agency. Didn't they helped you guys." Jimin scoffed as he shook his head.

"No. They used us too and I am sure even now they are using me and y/n. I just have to find the correct information. To actually what really happened that day."

Walking forward. Jungkook held his hand up high. Both of them smirked as they shook hands with each other.

"Let's start the real game now. All of them vs us."



Bieeeeeeeeeee 🐇🎧🎶

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