.Chapter Twelve.

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One month later

A lot has happened during the last month. Mr Jeon was arrested by the police and was given sentence for lifetime Jail. Along with Jackson Wang.

And here he was gone, Jeon Jungkook. The heir of Jeon company, drowned himself with alcohol. Instead of taking over his business he drank every single day just how Namjoon predicted.

He was broken from inside and outside. In a little age he was sent to learn how to fire a gun and fight. Later he was kicked out of school so that he can be Killer for his father. It was a hard life for him. But when he saw y/n that time in his private area. He knew something different will happen in his life. He knew he would be weak for her. Even though in the start he never felt love but he had the little hope of getting loved by his wife.

Because that was something he never received. Even from her mother too because they all used him just like how she did.

"I hate you y/n." He lowly spoke before looking at his Wine glass in his hand.

Unknowingly a tear slipped onto his cheeks. He scoffed at his weak self. When did he even get close to her that much.

"Y/n. Jimin.." He stopped as he eyed the ring on his finger with intense eyes.
"I am not going to sit still and act weak now. I will show you all. You have seen my lovely side so now you will see my bad side." He smirked while biting his bottom lip.

His eyes turning red from anger. His hands were shaking while his fist tighten around the glass. Meanwhile in the corner of the club. A man stood in all black as he eyed Jungkook with his eagle eyes. Not looking away even for a second. 

Before he got his phone out he typed something.

'He's here again. I guess your advice didn't work.' Than the other person replied just after secind as if he was waiting for this. 

'Just see that he reaches home safely. I will see what I can do.'

'Okay sir.'


Y/n bowed one last time to her colleagues. As All the boys agent were eyeing the girl.  Y/n has been a hot topic ever since she has joined back in.

"It's nice to have you back in our company. And working with you is hella fun." Eunha spoke. Her smile not leaving her face at all. They just finished a new mission which they were both assigned to do.

And it was successfully done.

"Thanks a lot." Eunha nodded cheerfully but she frowned as she saw a pout on her friends face. 

"What's wrong now y/n?" She spoke but y/n didn't reply instead she looked away shaking her head. "Nothing just thought of someone." 

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