.Chapter Fourteen.

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Short update



(Well goddamn! He's hot!!!)💋👅

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(Well goddamn! He's hot!!!)💋👅


His eyes were not leaving yours even for a second. He was hurt seeing you like this but somewhere he thought you deserved it.

You made him feel like as if someone loved him but that was all shattered in one go when you runaway.

"Oh you can speak." He  sarcastically said when he grabbed your chin while pulling you towards him. His breath fanned over your face making you loose your mind.

This was weird why did his touch felt so addictive. Why did it had an effect you. Jungkook smirked when he saw your lips trembling. 

"Want me to help you with settling those trembling lips." He spoke as  his thumb was caressing your bottom lip. You did nothing but kept quiet. It was weird, nothing was working for you at that moment. It felt as if he was controlling you.

"J-jungkook, I-I am sorry, I had no choi-" Before you could finish your sentence his lips were already on yours, making you quiet. Your heart sank as his touch melted you in one second. 

His right hand on your neck as his other was holding your chin. You were on the edge of losing your breath but he didn't pull away instead he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. 

Hiting his broad shoulders you tried telling him to let go but nothing meant to be working as he sucked the life out of your lips. It all stopped when something wet touched your lips making you open your tightly closed eyes. 

He was crying. 

You now tried your hard and pushed him away with your tied hands. And it worked when he was thrown away from your body. 

His breathing uneven as his chest was rising fast mixing with yours. 

"Look what you are doing to me Y/n. I never cried before not even when my father went to jail but when you left-" He stopped before looking down as he took deep breath. 

"When you left, it felt as if someone important left me. I felt incomplete Y/n." His words were hitting you like a bulldozer. Now even you couldn't hold your tears.

"I-I am sorry." You choked making him chuckle. Jungkook slowly got up before walking towards you again. His hands untying the ropes around your feet and your wrist. When he undid all of them he threw the clothes away.

Not even looking at you for a second. 

"I just wanted to see you properly before we part ways. Now I think I can live properly after seeing you. Sorry that I had to force but there was no other way." He spoke softly looking at the ground as Y/n got up. 

Y/n walked towards him. Her hands were rising to touch his shaking ones but he backed away not letting her touch him. "I don't need any sympathy from you. You can leave now." 

This time his voice was cold. His eyes moved upwards as he eyed his wife for the last time. "You are pretty Y/n so don't ever fool any other man like this." With those words he turned his back towards her. 

She wanted to stop him but she was too late. The door was already closed. Her knees went weak making her fall right on the ground. 

'Why did it feel so wrong? Him leaving me.' She thought as she eyes the closed door with hope. 


"I can't do that appa!" Taehyung yelled at his father after listing to his conversation. The old man shook his head in deny. 

"I am not hearing a no as an answer. I said you are getting married to her. Than that means you are." Taehyung sulked when he thought about you. Even though you never liked him he still thought you might. One day. 

But this was not going to be possible since you were someone who was untouchable. 

"A-Appa?!" The old man again managed to growl at his son making him quiet down in an instant. His eyes boring through the young boy. "I have had enough Tae. Leave that work now and get ready for the marriage." 

Taehyung sighed when he realized he has no say in this. 

He got up from his chair as he turned around without bowing to his father. His feet suddenly stopped when he remembered something. 

"Is this how I am going to get used again?" The young boy had little sparkling eyes. His nose turning a little red when he remembered the way his father kicked his own wife out of the house. Just because she was no use. 

And he Kept Taehyung because he needed him for further use. Like now. 

"I don't want to start this conversation again." 

Taehyung simply nods before continuing his steps. 


Jungkook walks down from the stairs. His hand on his chest as he tries to rethink his moment with you.

He was going crazy inside. He wanted you in his life so bad guess. It wasn't impossible.

"Make sure she gets home safe." Jungkook informs his hyungs man as he enters the little office.

Before he could turn the lights on. Someone sneaked her arms around his waist. He jolts in shock.

His hands instantly trying to get the other person's hand off.

"What are you doing kookie?" A high pitched voice was heard making him stop. He confusingly stared at his surroundings before it hits him.



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An early update for those who wanted it.

🐴Also love Jhope. He deserves more.

Bieeeeeeeeeee 🐍

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